

Not including a tutorial hurts your game and my dignity.
Or atleast include the option to play a single player match!

Result of not including a tutorial:

I somehow get teamkilled by getting pushed off an airship because "we" need someone on that gun who knows how to operate it "properly". That game which you put months if not years of your life into developing is now permanently ensconsed on my shelf.

As a developer, it really must be in your best interest to arm players with knowledge on how to play your game before they can get teamkilled in your game.
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1-13 / 13 のコメントを表示
Fuzz 2013年1月31日 20時33分 
Just keep playing and you'll get the hang of it. After my first match I didn't want to play it again but I did the next day and I have heaps of fun playing this game.
Then tell me how to turn a dang cannon! GOSH! I must have tried every button combinaton but the right one.
Fuzz 2013年2月1日 19時00分 
Uhhh... WASD to turn the cannon, LMB to shoot, RMB to change ammo type.
I cant use my xbox controller?
but seriously, i was able to aim up and down but not horizontally.A and D didnt do anythimg...
Fuzz 2013年2月1日 23時26分 
I don't think you can use a controller and I don't know what's wrong with your game if A and D don't work.
Fuzz 2013年2月1日 23時32分 
Dude, you've played the game for 16.7 hours, stop being a douchebag.
Dude, ok, because the game is running, does not mean I am playing it. Dude, the time steam shows you is how long the game has been open on my computer. Dude, but yah, dude, thanks for using evocative language and misrepresented statistics to make ad hominym attacks to derail. I bet you voted for Obama.

You wanna go, @@@@ole?! Dont ^^^^ with me! Anytime, ####head!
Fuzz 2013年2月2日 18時43分 
LOL! I didn't vote for anyone because I'm not American.
learn 2 map keys to your controller, i was gona offer more help but your a douche so good bye
I want help but I'm going to be a jerk to everyone who offers it, as this is clearly the best way to communicate in public. - abarrows
here this may help , if your are nicer ppl tend to help
olElLI 2013年2月12日 16時28分 
OP. Look no further. This should really be stickied:
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