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JennyCage Aug 24, 2013 @ 1:14pm
Experience from eastern Canada
I'm in Saint John, New Brunswick, Canada. I'll use this thread to post my experiences with the online, including location, distance and ping when possible.

My connection to a server in Toronto (650 miles away):

Beta v4.1

#1 - Versus Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia - 9989 miles apart, 283ms average ping, 1 bar.
Completely unplayable. Game ran very smoothly, but input delay was massive. Hit confirming and combos were impossible. A connection like this would only be playable in a rollback netcode.

#2 - Versus Unknown Location (couldn't find player in Steam friend search) - 1 bar. Ran very smoothly and was playable, but with some input lag. Surprised at how playable it was for a 1 bar connection. No hiccups or lag spikes, just delayed inputs. Certainly a lot better than 1 bar on Xbox.

#3 - Versus New Haven, Conneticut, USA - 421 miles apart, 80ms average ping (high for the distance, not sure why), 2 bars.
Played a long set with this connection. At first the input lag seemed minimal, but varied depending on who hosted. Overall it felt a little bit better than console, but not by much. Blocking hops and crossups was very problematic, but the matches were fun. Still room for improvement.

#4 - Versus Edmonton, Alberta, Canada - 2160 miles apart, 80ms average ping, 2 bars, sometimes fluxuating to 1.
Played a fairly long set with this connection. There was definitely input delay. Blocking and moving was problematic and there were some dropped inputs, but honestly I'm surprised how good connection was for it being so very far away. I think it would have been much worse on console. Definitely an improvement, but only playable at a casual level.

#5 - Versus Unknown Location, possibly New York, 1 bar sometimes fluxuating to 2.
Heavy input lag, felt like I was stuck in mud. Blocking hops was damn near impossible. I'm fairly close to NY so if he was from there it's a bit disappointing...

#6 - Versus College Point, New York, USA, 59ms average ping, 3 solid bars.
This connection felt great! My inputs didn't feel lagged at all and none of them dropped. Best connection I've tested on the beta so far. Really like the way this feels! I was hosting this time, in the future I hope to play this player again when he hosts so we can see if there's any host advantage.
Last edited by JennyCage; Aug 27, 2013 @ 12:59pm
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JennyCage Aug 28, 2013 @ 4:46pm 
Beta v5 and 6

#1 - Versus Durham, North Carolina, USA, 910 miles apart, 109 average ping, 2 bars sometimes fluxuating to 1.
For me this connection felt delayed when he hosted, but he felt it was like offline. After a few rounds we switched to me hosting and it felt the same to me, but worse for him. We thought this might be host advantage, but when he rehosted again it was still perceived as laggy by us both. This connection was "playable" but didn't feel responsive.
EDIT: We think there might have been network congestion on his connection. After it was fixed, the game ran GREAT even at 1-2 bars fluxuating. HDs were all possible, 2 hit confirms, anti-airs on reaction, pardon my language but ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥! If this is 1-2 bars what's 4 bars like? DAAAAAAAAMN

#2 - Versus Indiana, USA, 112 average ping, fluxuating between 2 and 3 bars.
There was a little bit of hiccuping in these matches. Input delay was minimal aside from momentary hiccups. Some combos were dropped, but nothing too serious. The matches were still very playable.

#3 - Versus Minnesota, USA, 106 average ping, 2 bars.
This connection felt very smooth to me, but had a small amount of input delay. Certain tight links weren't possible without adjustments. I felt like it was too easy for me to hop on my opponent, but he said the input delay was minimal on his end. Very playable match.
Last edited by JennyCage; Aug 29, 2013 @ 5:42pm
JennyCage Sep 5, 2013 @ 7:33pm 
Experience with v9.7 has not been very good. Delay indicators aren't accurate - searching for a room will often show a 2-3 bar connection available, but when joining it there's massive delay and it reports 1 bar.

My friend thinks he has input delay in windowed mode now. I don't have this but I'm suspecting it might be the cause of increased delay for many people... maybe somehow it's bleeding over into the netcode? v6 seemed much better than what we have now. I hope to see it reverted back to whatever was working then.
pablofsi Sep 5, 2013 @ 7:55pm 
A lot of people who reported increased delay stated that their delay offline was zero (in windowed mode obviously because v-sync still causes 3 additional input delay frames in full screen).

The increase in delay from what I observed appeared with v9's changes that dealt with excessive CPU usage. If I remember correctly CPU usage in practice mode offline wasn't over 60% while online it was 95% and reaching 100% constantly.
Last edited by pablofsi; Sep 5, 2013 @ 7:57pm
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