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JBlum Feb 5, 2014 @ 10:40pm
Official Change Log
We will update this post every time there is a new update or hot fix released. Most recent update will be at the top of the list.

Hunt DLC Update August 4, 2014 @ 10:30pm EST
New Features
  • New Hunt game mode (cooperative) where you must eliminate all enemies and caches in the area. This game mode requires extreme stealth and coordination as you only have one life.
  • New multiplayer map: Panj.
  • Updated multiplayer map: Market.
  • New cooperative maps: District (Hunt), Heights (Hunt) and Ministry (Hunt).
  • Added underbarrel grenade and smoke launchers: M-203 for Security and GP-25 for Insurgents.
  • Added non-zoom red dot optic for Security team (costs 1 supply).
  • New first person weapon collision system.

Gameplay Improvements
  • Push now has a finale cache, where the defending team has an opportunity to make a last stand.
  • Occupy is now 10 minutes (used to be 15) with 3 starting waves (used to be 5).
  • In Occupy, the winner is now determined by having more waves and also being in control of the objective.
  • M14 now has a bipod upgrade.
  • Auto-bipod only works now when you are prone. If there is a surface you can deploy on, you must do it manually now instead of simply going into iron sights.
  • Reduced resupply times so you don’t have to wait as long to resupply.
  • Players can no longer equip an item if it puts them over their max weight value.
  • Flashlights are now blinding when pointed directly at a player’s eyes.
  • 2X Aimpoint now costs more for Insurgents (3 supply)
  • PO scope now costs less for Insurgents (3 supply)
  • Light armor is now less expensive for Insurgents (1 supply)
  • Heavy armor is now less expensive for Insurgents (3 supply)
  • Molotovs are more expensive for Insurgents (3 supply)
  • Foregrips cost 1 supply less for support / machinegunner classes.
  • Removed flashbangs from support classes.
  • Removed smokes and flashbangs from demolition classes.
  • Added M203-HE to Security Demolitions class.
  • Added GP25-HE to Insurgent Striker and Sapper classes.
  • Added M203-Smoke to Security Specialist, Recon and Demolitions classes.
  • Added GP25-Smoke to Insurgent Specialist, Scout, Striker and Sapper classes.

Coop Improvements
  • Fixed major bug in Cooperative where the AI would not recognize certain players.
  • Improved bot count scaling technique and added new vote option for changing the bot count (more info below).
  • Bots now give off the same damage as players do instead of a reduced amount of damage.
  • Bots now investigate footsteps, flashlights and laser sights.
  • Bots are now a lot more accurate and respond faster.
  • Renamed the AI difficulties to “Forgiving,” “Normal,” “Unforgiving,” and “Brutal.”
  • Removed Peak Checkpoint from the game until we come up with a better solution for dealing with the trees that the bots can see through.

Bug Fixes
  • sv_pure 2 is now working properly.
  • Fixed audio hitches when dealing with Workshop stuff.
  • FAL now uses the proper ammo type (7.62x51mm).

Performance Optimizations
  • Added Valve fix for engine where frames wouldn’t get purged properly and would start to eat memory (should reduce cases of rubber-banding).
  • Fixed multiple small memory leaks.

Visual Enhancements
  • Substantial revamp of particle FX throughout the game.
  • Added shell ejection smoke.
  • Ejected bullet casings now spin when ejecting.

Server Administration
  • Changed the way bot counts are handled. The new system uses the following commands:
“ins_bot_count_hunt” // Default is 0. When set higher, Hunt will override the bot count with this value. When a bot count vote is initiated, this is the value that is changed. “ins_bot_count_hunt_min” // Default is 15. This is the amount of bots that will be loaded when ins_bot_count_hunt is set to 0 and there is only 1 player on a server. “ins_bot_count_hunt_max” // Default is 25. This is the amount of bots that will be loaded when ins_bot_count_hunt is set to 0 and there are 8 players on a server. “ins_bot_count_hunt_default” // Default is 0. This is the value that a server will automatically reset ins_bot_count_hunt to when hibernating. “ins_bot_count_checkpoint” // Default is 0. When set higher, Checkpoint will override the bot count with this value. When a bot count vote is initiated, this is the value that is changed. “ins_bot_count_checkpoint_min” // Default is 5. This is the amount of bots, per objective, that will be loaded when ins_bot_count_checkpoint is set to 0 and there is only 1 player on a server. “ins_bot_count_checkpoint_max” // Default is 12. This is the amount of bots, per objective, that will be loaded when ins_bot_count_checkpoint is set to 0 and there are 8 players on a server. “ins_bot_count_checkpoint_default” // Default is 0. This is the value that a server will automatically reset ins_bot_count_checkpoint to when hibernating.
  • Added new ConVar for determining the amount of reinforcement waves per objective in Push:
“mp_wave_count_defenders_per_obj” // Default is 5. Sets the amount of waves per objective. Defenders get this amount multiplied by the total amount of objectives at the start of the round.

See the original post here[]

Hot Fix July 9, 2014 @ 1pm EST
  • Fixed client-side performance issue related to new optic lens system. The "fancy" lens rendering can also now be disabled on your client by lowering your scope detail setting in video options.
  • Fixed a bug with the 4x scope on the M1A1 not shooting on target.
  • Fixed a bug with Ministry where you were forced to jump into the entrance instead of simply being able to walk in.
  • Updated the physic model on the rocks in Peak to reduce instances of getting stuck and getting inside of rocks.

See the original post here[]

Patch July 8, 2014 @ 3pm EST
New Content
  • Updated Peak and Revolt.
  • Updated Heights (Coop) and Peak (Coop).
  • New optic lens behavior.
  • Fixed a few memory leaks that could be attributing to server lag when servers stay up for long periods of time without restarting.
  • Optimized particle effects for molotov cocktails and incendiary grenades for improved client-side performance.
  • Increased the player step size by 6 units (18 to 24), this means that players should no longer get stuck trying to walk over small objects.
  • Changed color of vote counter so it is more visible against bright map images.
  • Player counter on the scoreboard now correctly reflects the number of players in a coop game.
  • The user will no longer have to enter snd_rebuildaudiocache into the console after downloading a sound pack from Workshop.
Bug Fixes
  • Fixed incorrect attacking/under attack calls on inactive capture points.
  • Fixed incorrect winner or a tie being an announced at the end of a coop game.
  • Fixed missing Elcan and PO scope world models.
  • Silencer model no longer blocks your aim for AKM and AKS-74U.

See the original post here[]

June Content Update - 6/4/14 @ 1pm EST
New Content
  • New Map: Sinjar (Supports PVP and Coop).
  • New Weapon: M-14 Enhanced Battle Rifle.
New Features
  • Full Workshop Support (Custom game theaters, maps, weapon skins and audio packs).
  • Added end-game map vote so players get to pick which map will be next on the rotation.
  • Added “Remove All” and “Reset” buttons in Kit UI for quicker setup.
  • Players can now change bot difficulty in Cooperative through voting.
  • Added hipfire sway along with more realistic free aim recoil handling.
  • Added server-side ConVar “mp_timelimit” which allows server admins to limit the time spent on a single game. Once the time has been reached, the map will change after the round has finished.
  • Insurgent optics now work on Security weapons in Cooperative.
Gameplay Improvements
  • Certain game modes have been removed from maps if the map / game mode combination was deemed by developers and testers as being less than ideal.
  • Removed C4, RPGs and AT4s from Ambush and Infiltrate.
  • Improved consistency and scalability of AI difficulty settings.
  • AI can no longer see through bushes and other foliage (there may be a few exceptions, so if you discover an instance where they can see you through foliage, please report so we can fix).
  • Infiltrate is now reinforcement based.
  • Strike now has only 2 potential cache locations instead of 3.
  • Addressed spawn camping in Buhriz Push.
  • Players can now interrupt the bolting process to reload on bolt action weapons.
User Experience Improvements
  • Servers are no longer restricted to a certain mapcycle in order to be joined via Matchmaking. Multiplayer modes have been moved to a single Matchmaking option.
  • Players can no longer exit out of the squad selection menu before choosing their squad, thus putting them in limbo.
  • Squad menu shows you if the team you’re on is attacking or defending in attack/defend modes.
  • Added options for enabling/disabling game instructor and HQ messages in game settings.
  • Added gameplay hints for taking enemy intel, protecting your team’s VIP and blowing up caches.
  • Holographic optics now display crosshairs more realistically.
  • Added achievement for completing Revolt Coop.
  • Squad and kit selection buttons are hidden on the scoreboard when you’re a spectator.
Bug Fixes and Optimization
  • Optimized network bandwidth usage.
  • Reduced AI quantity in Cooperative to improve client and server performance.
  • Fixed flickering between game modes when the squad menu is first opened.
  • Fixed scoreboard breaking between playing coop and PVP games.
  • Toggling ironsights will now no longer interrupt fire mode changing and cocking animations.
  • Fixed special role not showing up when you look at someone.
  • Fixed squad/team diamond overlapping with player name.
  • Fixed a bug in Ambush where the VIP would get points when killed instead of the killer.
  • Fixed voting not using the correct vote ratios.

Hot Fix - 5:30pm EST
  • Fixed a client/server crash that would happen when a server reaches the end of its mapcycle.
  • Added Sinjar_Coop completion achievement.
  • Added tiered MVP achievements.

See the original post here[]

March Content Update - 3/26/14 @ 6:30pm PST
New Content
  • New maps: Buhriz and Revolt
  • New weapon: FN FAL
  • New grenades: ANM-14 incendiary grenade, Molotov cocktail
  • New upgrades: 2x Aimpoint, Elcan 3.4x Scope, wooden foregrips for AKM/AKS.
  • New upgrade options for M-40A1 and Mosin Nagant including suppressors and optics.
  • New game modes:
    • Infiltrate - Our new Capture the Flag inspired game mode where you must obtain the enemy’s intel and return it to your base. Your team gets reinforced upon taking the enemy's intel or killing an enemy intel carrier.
    • Flashpoint - One of our new objective-based respawn modes where there is only 1 capture point in the middle, and where each team has two weapon caches. Capturing the point or destroying the caches will bring your team reinforcements, and clearing the entire area will result in victory.
    • Occupy - Our new King of the Hill inspired game mode where your team must occupy the map in order to slowly force the enemy to run out of reinforcement waves. Controlling the objective allows your team to continue reinforcing without depleting any waves.
    • Vendetta - A new single life mode where each team has a leader that they must protect and capture an objective with. Capturing or eliminating the enemy’s leader will result in victory.
  • Updated Game Modes:
    • Strike - We have removed the old Strike and put Search and Destroy in its place, but with only 1 cache and a single life.
    • Ambush - Formerly known as VIP Escort.
  • New matchmaking category specific to single-life game modes. Objective-based respawning modes are now referred to as “Adversarial”.
  • All new bot AI for Cooperative and offline practice mode.
  • All new Cooperative missions for each map (plus new maps).

Stability Fixes
  • Fixed client side crash caused by being deafened by explosions.
  • Fixed client side crash caused by player death.
  • Fixed client side “OnDataChanged” crash.
  • Fixed Linux coop server crash.
  • Fixed broken radial menu in OSX.
  • Increased the sound channel limit, which should reduce performance drops caused by the audio system.
  • Added Level of Detail to player models for improved performance especially on more open maps.

Gameplay Improvements
  • Added centralized system for HQ messages which also features queueing so radio messages don’t play over one another.
  • At the end of the round players are now told the winning condition that was met so that players better understand what caused the round to end.
  • Fixed weapon dropping so weapons and grenades no longer fall through the ground or disappear quickly after being dropped.
  • Strike is now a single life game mode with only 1 cache to locate and destroy.
  • Unless you are in a spawn zone, you now must be directly looking at a cache to open the inventory menu with the Use key.
  • Made all hold/toggle control choices, such as crouch and ironsight, into separate keybindings instead. The game will detect old configs and will setup the new bindings appropriately depending on their settings.
  • Added “mp_player_spotting” server-side option to disable spotting.
  • Added resupply delay to prevent people spamming explosives from their spawn/friendly caches.
  • You no longer get unbipodded when a player walks past you.
  • Fixed counter-attack being triggered with only 1 player left alive in Checkpoint.
  • The final objective in Checkpoint now has a counter-attack round with the bots starting from the previous objective.
  • Added 3 second delay to weapon being lowered in restricted area, time configurable through “mp_restricted_area_wpn_time”.
  • Hopefully addressed some of the hit detection issues by using specific outer bounds for player collision. Please provide us with feedback on this.
  • Added “sv_hud_deathmessages_spectator” which allows you to turn on death notices for spectators.
  • Added “cl_hud_deathnotice_show_demo” which allows you to force on death notices during demo playback, regardless of server setting at the time of recording.

Bug Fixes
  • Fixed pistol not being deploy when you become the VIP.
  • Fixed VIP viewmodel hands not being used when playing as the VIP.
  • Fixed scroll up behavior when you have no primary weapon.
  • Fixed problem with receiving pistol in training.
  • Fixed incorrect knife weapon class.
  • Fixed localization issues with joining the spectator team.
  • Fixed some materials that had script errors generating console warnings.
  • Fixed “Spectating” caption sometimes showing up when it shouldn’t.
  • Cache discovery sounds now play to entire team, not just squad of discoverer.
  • Fixed floating weapons around the map (still a known bug with floating attachments).

Accessibility and UI Improvements
  • Added French and Portuguese (Brazilian) localization.
  • Updated Simplified Chinese and Dutch localization.
  • Updated Game Controller configuration using settings from CSGO.
  • New dedicated HUD element for warning players about restricted areas.
  • Adjusted PO-4x reticule.
  • Style changes to game instructor.
  • Milliseconds shown on game timer when there is less than a minute remaining.

New Voice Responses
  • Friendly subordinate and friendly squad leader down.
  • Player wounded.
  • Molotov and Incendiary throw callouts.
  • Molotov and Incendiary burns.
  • Cooperative bots performing aggressive investigation for player.
  • Cooperative bots flashbang reaction.
  • Cooperative HQ game start, counterattack start, counterattack end.
  • Cooperative RPG callouts.
  • Destroy objective radial callouts.
  • HQ and player objective related dialogue for points Foxtrot through Juliet.
  • HQ dialogue for Infiltrate, Occupy, Flashpoint, Vendetta, and Strike for both game start and round start.

New Achievements
  • Recruited
  • Aced It!
  • Decisive Victory: Buhriz
  • Decisive Victory: Contact
  • Decisive Victory: District
  • Decisive Victory: Heights
  • Decisive Victory: Market
  • Decisive Victory: Ministry
  • Decisive Victory: Peak
  • Decisive Victory: Siege
  • Decisive Victory: Complete

Hot Fix - 2/10/14 @ 2am PST
  • Fixed global ban system on OS X / Linux.
  • "Being suppressed" response rules are now only played if your player is fully suppressed, not just "a little bit" suppressed.
  • You must now be a closer distance to teammates in order for the response rules to be used.
  • Removed certain responses that seemed out of place, confusing, or slightly overkill.
  • Added a 10 second delay before the attacking team advances their spawns in Push. This gives defenders some time to properly retreat instead of becoming instantly restricted.
  • Added convar "mp_push_deferred_advance" for adjusting the delay on the above. The value is the number of seconds it takes before the spawns advance.
  • In Checkpoint, the forward spawn zones are not enabled until the counter-attack is finished, so players can no longer consistently re-arm while defending.
  • Added convar "mp_checkpoint_counterattack_always" to always trigger the counter-attack round after each territorial capture. Value represents the number of players needed for it to trigger.
  • Reduced frequency of HQ radio commands when objective is contested, reinforcements are low, or you are the last man standing.
  • Fixed the occasional class that is listed as "Sharpshooter" but contains a "Machinegunner" kit.
  • Fixed "IsEcho" response rule, which should fix missing voice lines for radial menu commands.
  • Small update to Contact (multiplayer) map.
  • Scoreboard and squad menu can now be opened during demo playback.
See the original post here.[]

Update - 2/7/14 @ 9pm PST
  • Fixed sv_pure not working as intended.
  • Added new vocal responses such as "reloading", "frag out", etc. as well as a suppressed variation for each response so you can tell by someone's tone whether they are under fire or not. These automatic voice responses will be heard by your team only so as not to give your position away.
  • Reduced instances of hitbox misalignment in cooperative especially.
  • Removed blood effects from when you are being attacked. We believe these blood impact particles emitting on your dying ragdoll could have been contributing to some of the crashes people have been experiencing. If you crash a lot when being shot at, please try this change and see if it helps.
  • Properly implemented the backblast and rocket trail particles for the RPG-7 / AT-4.
  • In Cooperative the probability a counter-attack will occur will now be based on how many players on your team are alive. For example, if your whole team is alive, it is more likely, and if only a small fraction of the team is alive, it is a lot less likely.
  • Added in "ready" animations for the first time you load a weapon.
  • The fire in Contact should now hurt players close to it.
  • Fixed "draw" animations not playing.
  • Tweaked bot amount/difficulty.
  • Adjusted and improved the bot audio.
  • You should now be able to select languages other than English in Insurgency's game properties on Steam.
See the original post here.[]

Hot Fix - 2/5/14 @ 11pm PST
We are releasing a small hot fix to address an error particle effect that was spawning when players fire their RPG-7 / AT-4. This should be a small download and the hot fix should be cross compatible with the version that went up prior.

Update - 2/5/14 @ 9pm PST
Content & Features
  • Added global bans system allowing us to globally ban known hackers/exploiters of the game who ruin other peoples' gaming experiences or impersonate NWI developers. To report a suspected hacker/exploiter/impersonator, please go here.
  • Added VPK support to the game, which should improve loading times and allow servers to better determine the purity of clients connecting to servers.
  • Re-introduced "sv_pure" into the game. If set to 1 (default), it will verify the purity of the client's files but allow players to use custom models, skins, sounds, etc. If set to 2, it will enforce complete purity.
  • Weapon attachments are now visible on others' weapons.
  • Updated Heights, Heights (Coop), Contact, Ministry and Training.
  • Updated Search and Destroy game mode. Defenders get a single reinforcement wave instead of respawning when the attackers destroy one of their caches.
  • Added "Affirmative" and "Negative" radial commands so subordinates can better respond to their commanders.
  • Added 2 round burst to the UMP-45.
  • Added new suppressor models for both teams.
  • Added armor impact particle effects so players can better tell whether they hit someone in their armor or if they hit the flesh.
  • Added "Setup Microphone" option in Audio Options which allows people to set their mic volume.
  • Added a developer icon to the scoreboard next to the names of developers. There have been instances of players out there impersonating developers.. please do not take someone seriously as being a developer unless they have this developer tag next to their name in the scoreboard.
  • Added "hud_stream_friendly" convar which will remove various references to the current server name from the UI if you are streaming and do not want viewers to discover what server you're in.
  • Added community translations for German, Russian, Dutch, Polish and Simplified Chinese.
  • K:D is no longer shown if you are alive and outside your spawn area, so players can't use the K:D counter to determine if they got a kill or not. Players can still see their K:D when they are in their spawn, they are dead, or it's the end of the round/game.
  • Found and reduced an issue where the client and server would play two different player animations. The changes we've made should reduce hit-box misalignment and further improve hit detection.
  • The amount of magazines you get are now a bit more limited, so you have to actually take your mag capacity into some consideration.
  • Took measures to reduce accidental team-killing.
  • Reduced post-game timer so it is not quite as long before the map changes.
  • Improved slide some more based on feedback.
  • You can now discover a cache or a decoy cache site with the radial menu and line of sight instead of being forced to walk up to them.
  • Increased bot difficulty in Checkpoint (used to scale from 0-2, now it scales from 1-3)
  • Bots are now more selective when deciding whether to investigate or not. This reduces "herding" quite a bit.
  • You can no longer knife during round countdown.
  • Radial commands are now issued to your squad no matter where they are on the map, so voice in the game is synonymous with Voice Over IP.
  • You can now un-assign an objective as commander.
  • You can now escape the radial menu without choosing an option as a commander.
  • Radial voice commands are now affected by DSP.
  • Improved localization support for voice command subtitles.
  • Removed the "toggle floating HUD" default key bind so players don't accidentally hide their HUD and not know why their navigation is gone.
  • Added a default bind for tactical map - set to "n".
  • Tracers now come from the right position in third person.
  • Improved M16 world model texture.
  • Set the maximum FOV setting to 110.
  • Fixed left arrow on selection options in the main menus that have more than 2 settings.
  • Some subtle Kit UI improvements including some overlap fixes for 16:10.
  • Some Vote UI improvements.
  • "Impending attack" music in Push, SND and Strike will now only play on the first round of a game instead of every round.
  • Disabled "X attacked a teammate" messages in the server console for damage caused by bots.
  • Fixed "no free edicts" server crash.
  • Fixed infinite loop / "Alarm Clock" crash on Linux servers.
  • Took measures against mass kill hacks.
  • Disabled setinfo name so hackers can't change their name to avoid detection and voteban.
  • Optimized the blood impact particle more to hopefully reduce crashing when being shot up.
  • Redid Avatar implementation on scoreboard, hopefully reducing crashes people are getting related to the scoreboard.
  • Removed redundant ability entities, which should free up some network traffic.
  • Fixed an exploit in S&D and Strike where commanders could mark undiscovered caches, displaying the "attack" indicator on the bottom objective display if the cache location exists.
  • Precached a bunch of radial menu/marker materials so there is no more slowdown when players set a waypoint.
  • Fixed auto-switchteams functionality.
  • Removed semi-automatic fire mode option for MP-40.
  • Fixed ambient generic environment sounds that were not playing.
  • Fixed kill count in Cooperative.
  • Fixed reference pose bug which was caused by switching to your knife during a prone transition.
  • Fixed grenades not colliding with the vphysics block in Training.
  • Fixed a bug in Checkpoint where counter-attack music would occasionally play at the end of a round.
Voting Changes
  • Added a convar "sv_vote_kick_min_voters" for server operators to determine how many vote kicks a player needs to receive in order for a vote kick to actually start. We have set the default to 2.
  • If a player leaves/disconnects while being accused of hacking or trolling, they should no longer be able to escape the ban.
  • In order to pass a nextlevel vote, 55% of the server must vote and the vote must simply be the majority.
  • In order to vote kick an idle player, 20% of the server must vote and the vote must simply be the majority.
  • In order to vote ban an excessive team killer for 10 minutes of cooling off, 25% of the server population must vote and there has to be at least 2x as many Yes votes as No votes in order for the vote to pass.
  • In order to vote ban someone who is trolling for an hour, 40% of the server population must vote and there has to be at least 2x as many Yes votes as No votes.
  • In order to vote ban someone who appears to be hacking for 4 hours, 60% of the server population must vote and there has to be at least 2x as many Yes votes as No votes.
  • All of the above are setup as server-side convars (listed in greater detail below), so let us know what you find to be the most effective.
ConVar sv_vote_issue_nextlevel_min_population( "sv_vote_issue_nextlevel_min_population", "0.55", 1, "The voting population required to pass a next level vote", true, 0.1, true, 1.0 ); ConVar sv_vote_issue_nextlevel_required_power( "sv_vote_issue_nextlevel_required_power", "1.0", 1, "How strong does the yes vote need to be to win? (2.0 = 2x more voters)", true, 1.0, true, 5.0 ); ConVar sv_vote_kick_ban_duration_idle( "sv_vote_kick_ban_duration_idle", "0", 0, "How long should a kick vote ban someone from the server? (in minutes)" ); ConVar sv_vote_kick_idle_min_population( "sv_vote_kick_idle_min_population", "0.20", 1, "The voting population required to kick a person for being idle", true, 0.1, true, 1.0 ); ConVar sv_vote_kick_idle_required_power( "sv_vote_kick_idle_required_power", "1.0", 1, "How strong does the yes vote need to be to win? (2.0 = 2x more voters)", true, 1.0, true, 5.0 ); ConVar sv_vote_kick_ban_duration_teamkilling( "sv_vote_kick_ban_duration_teamkilling", "10", 0, "How long should a kick ban last for if a player is kicked for team killing? (minutes)" ); ConVar sv_vote_kick_tk_min_population( "sv_vote_kick_tk_min_population", "0.25", 1, "The voting population required to kick a person for team killing", true, 0.1, true, 1.0 ); ConVar sv_vote_kick_tk_required_power( "sv_vote_kick_tk_required_power", "2.0", 1, "How strong does the yes vote need to be to win? (2.0 = 2x more voters)", true, 1.0, true, 5.0 ); ConVar sv_vote_kick_ban_duration_trolling( "sv_vote_kick_ban_duration_trolling", "60", 0, "How long should a kick ban last for if a player is kicked for trolling? (minutes)" ); ConVar sv_vote_kick_troll_min_population( "sv_vote_kick_troll_min_population", "0.40", 1, "The voting population required to kick a person for trolling", true, 0.1, true, 1.0 ); ConVar sv_vote_kick_troll_required_power( "sv_vote_kick_troll_required_power", "2.0", 1, "How strong does the yes vote need to be to win? (2.0 = 2x more voters)", true, 1.0, true, 5.0 ); ConVar sv_vote_kick_ban_duration_cheating( "sv_vote_kick_ban_duration_cheating", "240", 0, "How long should a kick ban last for if a player is kicked for hacking? (minutes)" ); ConVar sv_vote_kick_hack_min_population( "sv_vote_kick_hack_min_population", "0.60", 1, "The voting population required to kick a person for hacking", true, 0.1, true, 1.0 ); ConVar sv_vote_kick_hack_required_power( "sv_vote_kick_hack_required_power", "2.0", 1, "How strong does the yes vote need to be to win? (2.0 = 2x more voters)", true, 1.0, true, 5.0 );
See the original post here.[]
Last edited by JBlum; Aug 4, 2014 @ 7:33pm
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Showing 1-15 of 285 comments
Syncroniam Feb 5, 2014 @ 10:47pm 
Why did you guys take knifing away before round coutdown :( It did no harm.
Last edited by Syncroniam; Feb 5, 2014 @ 10:47pm
coil Feb 5, 2014 @ 11:57pm 
What «Fixed auto-switchteams functionality» means exactly? Is it that friends won't be separated anymore?
coil Feb 6, 2014 @ 12:04am 
Originally posted by Rick and Morty SLEEPING:
Why did you guys take knifing away before round coutdown :( It did no harm.

They took it out because it was annoying ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ and made me shooting in those kids faces.
Favkis Nexerade Feb 6, 2014 @ 12:21am 
Very nice update. Great work!
Added armor impact particle effects so players can better tell whether they hit someone in their armor or if they hit the flesh.

Does it means that now models without armor haven't armor and models with armor have armor?
Or only particle?
Last edited by Favkis Nexerade; Feb 6, 2014 @ 12:39am
kingcitycrusher Feb 6, 2014 @ 12:39am 
The hit boxes were still noticeably off in many instances when I played today. It has been like this for a week or two now and the combat is getting stale. It would be really nice if you could make the gunplay as clean and crisp as it was at the beggining of the year.
gcsickboy Feb 6, 2014 @ 12:41am 
Originally posted by Rick and Morty SLEEPING:
Why did you guys take knifing away before round coutdown :( It did no harm.

I've seen more than just a few instances of folks that were knifing pre-round not paying attention to the countdown and accidentally slashing a teammate right as the round began. I'm sure anyone that has fallen victim to this will be happy for the patch.
Le Elvis Feb 6, 2014 @ 1:34am 
Originally posted by Rick and Morty SLEEPING:
Why did you guys take knifing away before round coutdown :( It did no harm.
Because this ain't a game for CS kids.
Favkis Nexerade Feb 6, 2014 @ 3:47am 
We still can see kill we enemy or not. We have score.
Just do something like "refresh score only on spawn".
Last edited by Favkis Nexerade; Feb 6, 2014 @ 3:47am
^Q^ Feb 6, 2014 @ 3:58am 
Coop-Mod Useless

Last update totally broke coop mod, you noticed that guys? Its far to easy now, too less and too helpless bots. To coop, this update was actually a downgrade, the "hording" was no problem, before the patch the mod was quite challanging, now even my grandmother would master it -_-
floyd13 Feb 6, 2014 @ 4:14am 
Originally posted by ^Q^:
Coop-Mod Useless

Last update totally broke coop mod, you noticed that guys? Its far to easy now, too less and too helpless bots. To coop, this update was actually a downgrade, the "hording" was no problem, before the patch the mod was quite challanging, now even my grandmother would master it -_-
I have to agree, coop is broken right now. As support I can more or less just clean out a level by running and spraying the whole area whith bullets. Are the difficulty settings on the server reset or what happend?
The changes in Heights have made it a much more linear experience.
Also, the radial com menu still bugs out on my MacBook Pro.
Last edited by floyd13; Feb 6, 2014 @ 4:19am
psyCosmo Feb 6, 2014 @ 7:00am 
Originally posted by ElvisWasAbducted:
Originally posted by Rick and Morty SLEEPING:
Why did you guys take knifing away before round coutdown :( It did no harm.
Because this ain't a game for CS kids.
LOL just letting you know that some CS kids are more mature then you.
Last edited by psyCosmo; Feb 6, 2014 @ 10:55am
AlabasterSlim Feb 6, 2014 @ 7:55am 
K:D is no longer shown if you are alive and outside your spawn area, so players can't use the K:D counter to determine if they got a kill or not. Players can still see their K:D when they are in their spawn, they are dead, or it's the end of the round/game.

Favourite change right here. I'm glad this has been implemented!
Stevezy Feb 6, 2014 @ 8:14am 
Awesome update! The whole "no visible silencers on teamate weapons was driving me nuts" lol.
VVARHEAD Feb 6, 2014 @ 8:47am 
damn. RPG Grenades look sweet now!
WildBeλ³st Feb 6, 2014 @ 6:30pm 
JBlum, now how we can test our unofficial translations of the game?
< >
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Date Posted: Feb 5, 2014 @ 10:40pm
Posts: 285