Steam for Linux

Steam for Linux

Jidea 30. des. 2012 kl. 6.20
steam multi user
I play with steam on fedora 17 under gnome 3.

i tried to use steam on a multi user computer. and i find some caveats :
  • /tmp/dumps can't be use by others users, because of the permissions of some of the files. (can't we use an another tmp directory for steam ; /home/user/tmp would be cool)
  • there is some semaphores that must be removed before an another user can launch steam. when we quit steam, can't steam remove the semaphores used by the application

i can't play steam with 2 system's user without rebooting. for now the 2nd launch of steam give me this error , after removing /tmp/dumps and removing semaphore from the previous user with ipcrm :
Code d'erreur-102 Impossible d'effectuer la connexion au serveur : il se peut que le serveur soit hors-ligne ou que vous ne soyez pas connecté à Internet.

it's funny because i authenticate before the error message.
if i find a solution i will write it here.

PS: I was too quickly and did'nt test steam on my browser. steam unreacheable on the browser too, then it is not a steam bug or trouble. sorry
Sist redigert av Jidea; 30. des. 2012 kl. 6.33
Dato lagt ut: 30. des. 2012 kl. 6.20
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