Steam for Linux

Steam for Linux

Steam saying the "filesystem does not allow executing files"
When I install a game on Steam, it says "The selected filesystem does not allow executing files. Please re-mount it with the exec option and then try again.".
If I restart Steam and install the game, it works.
If I go to install another game, it says that again until I restart.
Here are the permissions of ~/.local/share/Steam
drwx------ 22 pizzadude pizzadude 4096 Jan 25 17:04 Steam
Any ideas why this is happening? My filesystem is EXT4.
This didn't happen before.
Legutóbb szerkesztette: GNU/PizzaDude; 2013. jan. 25., 14:08
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110/10 megjegyzés mutatása
are you sure you using the linux version??
it sounds you are trying to run a .exe file
This is the Linux version of Steam.
And yes, these are Linux games.
I noticed if I try to Install a game a few times it will install without restarting Steam.
I had this problem a while ago, and the file system permissions were fine. In the end I had to reinstall Steam, but I lost patience so there may be an easier solution.
I'm having the same problem when trying to install Half-Life 1. I regularly execute files from this filesystem, so I don't really know what Steam is crying about.
The problem appears solved when I restart steam.
Legutóbb szerkesztette: BurritoBazooka; 2013. jan. 25., 17:06
This happens regularly for me, on many games. I just keep retrying until it works. It always works eventually. I think the failing to download is a separate error. Download failure is game specific, and doesn't seem to clear up after retrying.

I'm running Fedora 17 x64.
Same here, Fedora 17. Guess it was just a coincidence that I got this error on one of the game I had download problems with as well. :/ Is there any proper place to report the games and other problems.
gert eredeti hozzászólása:
Same here, Fedora 17. Guess it was just a coincidence that I got this error on one of the game I had download problems with as well. :/ Is there any proper place to report the games and other problems.
Github is the place to report problems with Steam. But I already found this issue on Github.
Yes, if anyone can help find a reproducable testcase for this bug, please comment at github for it.
I still experience this issue, left a comment on github (though the bug is closed).
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Közzétéve: 2013. jan. 25., 14:07
Hozzászólások: 10