Mittens Dec 28, 2023 @ 2:41am
I finally got into this! My feedback
I finally sat down and figured out how to begin working in CRUM and it is very cool.
Pretty much all the feedback I have is interface related, I'll put those here in the form of a list

Interface changes I would like
  • Instead of checkbox for Perspective/Orthographic a FoV slider which "bottoms out" at Orthographic

  • Interactions such as flipping switches, selecting and deleting components should not be blocked by having a 'tool' open. for example, if I open the LED tool and place an LED, the little window with LED colour and voltage stays open and prevents interactions. It would make sense for it to stay open if I could continue placing more LEDs with more clicks, but it didn't seem to work that way, so I don't know why it stays open once the first LED is placed

  • The ability to click the end of a jumper wire and drag it to a new position,
    I could be wrong, but it didn't seem possible to 'move' things around like this, I had to delete and replace things instead :'(

  • Ability to 'edit' attributes of placed components. eg. update the resistance of a resistor that has been placed rather than updating the resistor placing tool and replacing the component completely

  • Instead of checkbox for "lighting" a slider for the overall sun brightness
Last edited by Mittens; Dec 28, 2023 @ 2:42am
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Showing 1-6 of 6 comments
Mittens Dec 29, 2023 @ 1:58am 
Oh I just remembered a huge change I want to see;
A removal of the 60fps framerate limit
When I first launched the game I thought maybe it was lagging/poorly optimized, but then I saw the fps counter holding a consistent 60 I knew it must be capped
Last edited by Mittens; Dec 29, 2023 @ 1:59am
Mittens Dec 29, 2023 @ 2:14am 
And some more:
Pressing delete key while a component is highlighted should remove it, just like clicking the 'bin' icon

Pressing E or W hotkeys should close any active 'tool' windows, such as the jumper wire tool
Loulila Jan 14, 2024 @ 9:50am 
the game hasn't been updated for 7 months and the developer is talking about making a CRUMBLE 2 and probably we'll have to pay for it again.
mike.bushell  [developer] Jan 14, 2024 @ 10:06am 
Originally posted by Loulila:
the game hasn't been updated for 7 months and the developer is talking about making a CRUMBLE 2 and probably we'll have to pay for it again.

I have suffered quite poor health second half of 2023 and has put a delay on everything

I have also decided that CRUMB 2.0 will update and replace this version and all owners of CRUMB 1.0 will receive the new version

Please be patient. I am the ONLY developer doing this in my limited spare time
flewboy Feb 11, 2024 @ 2:17am 
Originally posted by mike.bushell:
Originally posted by Loulila:
the game hasn't been updated for 7 months and the developer is talking about making a CRUMBLE 2 and probably we'll have to pay for it again.

I have suffered quite poor health second half of 2023 and has put a delay on everything

I have also decided that CRUMB 2.0 will update and replace this version and all owners of CRUMB 1.0 will receive the new version

Please be patient. I am the ONLY developer doing this in my limited spare time

Hi Mike, not good to read about your health, mate. I hope things have gotten better for you. Crumb 1 helped me build a NPN transistor arduino controlled circuit for a set of flashing string lights, I'm definitely no electronic wiz but love to play with circuits, I actually for a mate built a Time Machine out of a Nissan Gazelle :steamhappy: A Fluxing Flux Capacitor, full scale 100% screen accurate SID (christmas tree, 200 LED's) external light bands and all. Just wish this was out before I built it, things would have been A LOT easier. Looking forward to CRUMB 2 but absolutely no rush. Take care.

Cheers, Dan.
AlexiosTheSixth Feb 22, 2024 @ 9:29am 
Originally posted by mike.bushell:
I have also decided that CRUMB 2.0 will update and replace this version and all owners of CRUMB 1.0 will receive the new version
Oh dang nice :steamthumbsup:
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