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Controller support
I want to buy this game but I don't see that there's contoller support? Is it just not updated like the achievments or is this another joy2key game?
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cprince  [ontwikkelaar] 9 jan 2013 om 16:36 
It's keyboard+mouse controlled, but we will be adding controller support for Big Picture. The achievements are working now, Valve forgot to turn them on.
Only in big picture?
If the 360 controller is to be supported I will buy this game.
cprince  [ontwikkelaar] 10 jan 2013 om 5:56 
the 360 controller will be supported in the next couple of months (in normal Steam mode too of course) though it won't be as good as mouse and keyboard.
Origineel geplaatst door von Pilsner:
If the 360 controller is to be supported I will buy this game.
As a fellow gamepad enthusiast I mast warn you:
Using a 360 controller for this game MAY SEEM like a good idea, but it's really not. Shooting requires precison and the game's mechanics don't allow you to spam bullets.
I would like to see this implemented with dual stick controls.
Yes, i bought this game because it looked like a classic dual stick shooter. As it is i havent really gotten into the game using the keyboard and mouse. Hoping for the 360 controller to be properly implemented. Thanks
cprince  [ontwikkelaar] 22 feb 2013 om 2:57 
I really must stress that it will not be anywhere near as good with a controller... we'll do it anyway though.
I only play this game with a trackball mouse (IMO the best way to play it). Everyone should sell their controllers and pick up a good ole trackball! :)
cprince  [ontwikkelaar] 22 feb 2013 om 11:44 
btw sherfu_m I think I've got to the bottom of why the games don't run on 10.5.8... my XCode compiler can only go back as far as 10.6 it seems, so the Steam integration library won't work on 10.5.8... so it can't run under Steam.
Mmmh...But I'm OSX 10.6.8! That's okay, thanks for helping!
cprince  [ontwikkelaar] 24 feb 2013 om 7:48 
hmm maybe that's not it then.
Ok, there does seem to be some basic Xbox 360 controller support implemented already ... but while the left stick works fine, the right stick is completely screwed up:

Up shoots left, left shoots up, right shoots down and down shoots right ... WTF?

Windows 8 here, original, wired Xbox 360 controller, original, native drivers ...
controller won't work on this game and seems @purple tentacle has the same problem as i had in ultratron :D
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