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Ashley Jul 13, 2018 @ 2:43am
LOCKED! ENTRIES OVER! Medic contest submissions thread! (Submissions only!)
The thread will lock on Friday the 27th:
09:00 PDT
12:00 EDT
16:00 UTC
19:00 MSK
02:00 AEST (Saturday 28th)

This thread is only for posting your entries to the contest! None submission posts will be removed!
Please go to the following thread if you wish to discuss the contest itself!

Mega important rules!
  • You will need to submit a screenshot from the front and the back of the medic as a post in the forums.
    • The screenshots needs to be posted in this thread.
    • The screenshots need to be taken on the website listed below.
    • If you are picked as a finalist, you need to be able to provide diffuse and the specular maps. Also include the normal maps if they were edited.
      Allowed files formats for winners are; PNG, TIFF, PSD, DDS or BMP.

  • Remember to hold onto your files as we will need those if you are picked as a winner!
  • Make sure to use a hosting site for your image that will not remove it during the duration of the contest. IMGUR is a good place for this but you may use other sites if you desire to do so.
  • If you want people to discuss your entry, you can post it in the thread linked above.
  • Do not share your submission with ANYONE until officially submitted! You don't want people claiming your hard work as their own!
Last edited by Ashley; Jul 27, 2018 @ 9:04am
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Showing 1-15 of 40 comments
Reno Jul 13, 2018 @ 10:31am

shovel-posts (outdated textures): (other guy is an old custom russian medic)

14/07/2018: fixed some incredibly minor texture errors - not worh updating pics for

14/07/2018 (2): Moved medic symbol to the front of his helmet and changed the colour of all medic symbols (excluding ones on the bag), fixed some minor paint bleeding and specular issues also minor changes to medic patch and balaclava.
Last edited by Reno; Jul 14, 2018 @ 1:56pm
Alexander Jul 13, 2018 @ 10:46pm

July 14th, 2018: version 1

July 15th, 2018: version 2

July 22th, 2018: version 2.1 (current and maybe final; added even more details and tweaked the colors again)

Design cues:
This concept is basically a mix of all Russian mercenary design hints: camo from Cloaker, gloves inspired by Bulldozer, stripes and markings based on common grunts but still keeping traits from the original Medic. The vest color is taken from Russian ambulances so it'll make it fit alongside the existing mercenaries but still standing from them, tacky but recognizable from afar. All required features by the rules are present.

EDIT: Decided to scrap the fluorescent green color from the vest to make it closer to the color palette set by the other Russian NPCs, so it is more consistent now, changed a few bits to make some parts slightly more detailed and tried to add a tiny random Russian flag reference on it.

Tweaks may happen. (...or not, I think I am finally done with it!)
Last edited by Alexander; Jul 22, 2018 @ 6:12pm
KPOCA4 Jul 14, 2018 @ 4:16am
The real Russian medic
Used from internet only official patches RF army and real helment color
I painted textures myself
Leondude Jul 14, 2018 @ 6:22am

Ааа! Мне нужен мешок для медикаментов! (rough translation: Aah! I need a medic bag!)

Weird how I'm the only one that didn't use Imgur for this (BTW Donut steel mah medic plz :steamsad: ).
graves Jul 14, 2018 @ 8:45am 
Urban/Black schemed medic

So what I have done in contrast to black is made my medic fit with urban camo since in boiling point it is snowing/has snow on the map.

I didn't want to stray too far from the original black on red color scheme from the normal unit and got worried this might be an issue, so I have made two variants of the camo, one that matches the shields in urban and one that matches the regular and the taser in black.

Nothing more was changed besides the camo as that would be unfair to submit multiple versions, it's just a simple what color would match more in the eyes of the payday development team/the community itself depending on how this pans out.

Everything is stored in the imgur album and contains close ups on a majority of the important details. Most of this was a pain to do seeing as I used gimp which doesnt allow paint over layers like the preset photoshop pack you gave, so I tried my best to blend it all and make it high quality.


  • Added HD screenshots to the imgur link since other ones didn't use normal maps. These ones give more insight on ingame to a certain degree.
Last edited by graves; Jul 16, 2018 @ 5:03pm
Delanз. Jul 14, 2018 @ 12:34pm 
Last edited by Delanз.; Jul 14, 2018 @ 12:56pm
inVenit0r Jul 14, 2018 @ 2:24pm 
Ok I join the challenge with this one:

Final Version:

Click Me[]

Comparison Showcase[]

Old Versions:

Gen. 3:

Gen. 2:

Gen. 1:

Since the Russian mercenaries like to draw things on their uniform I´ve tried to do that too.
I´ve edit the diffuse and specular maps.

- Got the medic sign on the helmet, arm: check!
- Used the word medic in Russian: check!
- Used red extensively and everywhere: double check!
- Still a wip (as always): check!
Last edited by inVenit0r; Jul 24, 2018 @ 3:44am
moog Jul 14, 2018 @ 9:23pm 
UPDATE 7/22/18
-Improved Bag Texture
HQ Preview:

UPDATE 7/18/2018
-Updated High res previews:

Original Post:

Red and Black medic texture, contrasts with boiling point snow and interiors.
Last edited by moog; Jul 22, 2018 @ 7:46am
Lavender-Wolf Jul 15, 2018 @ 8:29am (both screenshots included).

I decided to put a fair share of black/grey in there, considering the other mercenaries wear a lot of it, yet still have one colour kinda representing them, like the bulldozer has the green, the cloaker camo, the taser yellow, and the other has that bright red.
So, because the other has already that bright red, and we got a rather muted red to use for the medic, I decided to include some white, so he can be distinguished from the other.
The white also works pretty well, I think, with the red, so the word medic sticks out more.

Shimadasama Jul 15, 2018 @ 9:42am 
Россия Медик contest

Version 1.0 (15/7/2018)


Version 1.1 (23/7/2018)

- Added medic symbol on medic bag
- Added medicine barcode on the side of medicine tube


Version 1.2 (23/7/2018)

- Added some tweaks


Inspired from original PAYDAY:2: medic and Russian spetsnaz.
Good luck everyone.
Last edited by Shimadasama; Jul 23, 2018 @ 3:32am
ghost of sooshima Jul 15, 2018 @ 11:56am 
Ok, here is my submission:

I tried to combine elements of the russian units with the SWAT medic, so you instantly recognize him as a Medic. it uses a lot of red, has the medic symbol on the helmet, shoulder and medic bag and the word "медик" written on the front and the back.

The album contains 8 images, 2 default website screenshots, 4 closeups and 2 previews of the diffuse maps.

Specular maps have been edited for both body and head, normal map has been edited for the head only.

I added some blood on the hands and a bloody handprint on the leg, symbolizing that the medic had to treat a fellow soldier mid-battle (I can provide a bloodless version if this is a problem).
Last edited by ghost of sooshima; Jul 15, 2018 @ 4:35pm
Ryan "Chill" Foy Jul 16, 2018 @ 7:07am 
Here is the previews of my entry to the contest:

This Model's Texture is inspired by the Spetsnaz snow camo, combined with the traditional medic color scheme as requested, as well as a versatile urban camo to make it the deadliest unit in any environement.
Note that I made two versions, one with a fancy medic logo, and one with the default logo so you may choose which fits the game better.
Last edited by Ryan "Chill" Foy; Jul 16, 2018 @ 7:09am
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Date Posted: Jul 13, 2018 @ 2:43am
Posts: 40