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The Overkill Partner Program: Who next?
Howdy folks, as you may or may not have seen, Overkill have decided to push out their new Partner Program. It's still early days yet, but as you can see we have a few already we've introduced to the table.

Don't know what this is?
Find out more about the program HERE![]

What does this mean for other content creators as of now?

The old 'Overkill Approved' system was in dire need of a medic bag (am i cool yet? probably not) and has been reborn as the Partner Program. New slate, new start.

Why isn't ______ a Partner!?

That's what this thread is for!
Whilst we are not taking applicants on for the Partner Program during this trial/starting period, we will however reference this thread (and other areas) for suggestions for who YOU feel deserves to have a closer connection to us here at Overkill. Perhaps we'll take on others during the trial, but that is not a promise.

I don't like ______!
That's fine! You don't need to start a fight with other users here about who or who doesn't deserve it. This is about who YOU feel we should look at for joining the program, not who you feel doesn't deserve it. People have different opinions!
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Showing 1-15 of 84 comments
Eren's Smiledog Feb 29, 2020 @ 7:02am 
Overkill Partnership suggestion!
Hello! For the overkill partnership, I suggest Overcastspy.

He has over 2000 hours on payday 2 and all the achievements. He doesn't make that many videos but instead, he gets on live streams. I think he deserves a partnership, especially since he doesn't get much audience online when he is playing. I think a guy with skills like his who can easily one down any stealth or loud heist should be appreciated more! :steamhappy:
Higf9 Feb 29, 2020 @ 7:06am 
I think advertising yourself or anybody is against the rules sir
Jostabeere Feb 29, 2020 @ 7:08am 
There are so many high hour all achievement streamers who don't get a lot of views who play well. Why is he special. Also advertising is forbidden here or so.
Eren's Smiledog Feb 29, 2020 @ 7:41am 
Originally posted by  Md Dawg :
I think advertising yourself or anybody is against the rules sir

Originally posted by Jostabeere:
There are so many high hour all achievement streamers who don't get a lot of views who play well. Why is he special. Also advertising is forbidden here or so.
I'm not sure but on the overkill partnership suggestion website it says talkabout them in one of our chats, and one of the chat links leads to the discussions of payday 2.
Eren's Smiledog Feb 29, 2020 @ 7:42am 
Originally posted by Jostabeere:
There are so many high hour all achievement streamers who don't get a lot of views who play well. Why is he special. Also advertising is forbidden here or so.

Originally posted by  Md Dawg :
I think advertising yourself or anybody is against the rules sir
"While this program is still being trialed, we are not accepting applications for new partners. We are however continuously monitoring our community. If you have a recommendation, feel free to highlight someone you enjoy following that you’d like to see as a part of the partnership program in our usual channels." - Overkill's website
Nighthawk Feb 29, 2020 @ 8:20am 
Yeah, it alright to make these posts. I will be moving this to the suggestions forum though.
Mustard Seeds Feb 29, 2020 @ 8:28am 
Thought these were for popular streamers/youtubers.
Eren's Smiledog Feb 29, 2020 @ 8:32am 
Originally posted by Nighthawk:
Yeah, it alright to make these posts. I will be moving this to the suggestions forum though.
Ok thank you
Chef Gryphon Feb 29, 2020 @ 8:54am 
Overkill partnership suggestion
I nominate Cloud Dasher he really deserves it plus he has over 3000 hours and has almost all of the achievements
Last edited by Chef Gryphon; Feb 29, 2020 @ 8:56am
Forsie Feb 29, 2020 @ 9:01am 
+1 on this one, been watching him since like 500 subs and the madlad really deserves it.
Mustard Seeds Feb 29, 2020 @ 9:55am 
I don't know if someone that has a main series where he ridicules newbies should really be partnered, guess to each their own but still.
Forsie Feb 29, 2020 @ 9:58am 
Originally posted by Mustard Seeds:
I don't know if someone that has a main series where he ridicules newbies should really be partnered, guess to each their own but still.
He's never toxic to them, neither does he tell everyone to go and attack them. He just joins lobbies and often helps them to complete the heists while having fun with the sometimes ridiculous things they do, and yet, he never says anything bad to them, but rather tries to explain and help.
Alchameth Feb 29, 2020 @ 10:09am 
Excited about the Overkill Partner program! Do have a few questions though;

- Can just about anyone join the program?

- What is the type of content that does get you considered?

- Will there be a list of criteria, based on which we can go off?

- What is the trial period for?
Originally posted by Alchameth:
Excited about the Overkill Partner program! Do have a few questions though;

- Can just about anyone join the program?

- What is the type of content that does get you considered?

- Will there be a list of criteria, based on which we can go off?

- What is the trial period for?

Anybody could!

Streamers and video creators in particular, be it gameplay, build guides, showing ways to do achievements, things like that.

There will be one provided at a later period, this is a trial as of right now so some things will likely change and we wouldn't feel comfortable putting out a criteria requirement that could be changed if at all.

The trial exists to see if this new system will in fact be viable in the long-term, we've wanted to do something like this for some time now.
Mustard Seeds Feb 29, 2020 @ 10:23am 
Originally posted by Forsaken:
Originally posted by Mustard Seeds:
I don't know if someone that has a main series where he ridicules newbies should really be partnered, guess to each their own but still.
He's never toxic to them, neither does he tell everyone to go and attack them. He just joins lobbies and often helps them to complete the heists while having fun with the sometimes ridiculous things they do, and yet, he never says anything bad to them, but rather tries to explain and help.
As I said to each their own, never found that amusing nor entertaining past one video but can see why some people like that type of content since the whole "point at the new kid and laugh" mentality some people have since we all were new at some point and we did silly stuff.

Personally i'm more inclined towards high skilled players instead of players that focus one doing just one type of stuff like stealth.
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