Dungeon Party

Dungeon Party

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Rawex Mar 29, 2017 @ 3:38pm
Servers Offline?
Hmm, i cant login and i cant create a character.

What happend? The game is still on the store?
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Rawex Mar 29, 2017 @ 3:46pm 
Yeah i already have a character in this game, but servers are down, so i can't connect to it.
Cynbel Terreus Jan 28, 2018 @ 9:00am 
Hey, so I had been wondering about this for a while because I had 1 achievement from years ago and that annoyed me. I would prefer never having gotten any lol. But anyway I was able to download the game through the steam store (it's really amazing that it still exists there) apparently managed to create a new account and have it link to my steam account. It didn't log in right away, instead I had to close the game and start it back up, but it did then log me in.

I was able to make a new game and play solo, and that did give me the Independant achievement, but it doesn't seem like the rest track? That may be because I was the only person, not sure, but I'd be willing to try and test if a game can be created and joined if only so that additional achievements can be obtained.
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