Thirty Flights of Loving

Thirty Flights of Loving

VeeQue May 12, 2015 @ 10:11am
Long story short, I really enjoyed Gravity Bone and wished it were longer. And with more guns. And higher forms of espionage.
I would love a follow-up. Thirty Flights has the same artsy feel, but I couldn't tell how it followed the story of Gravity Bone (except of course for those appearances of that mysterious woman, which unfortunately remained unexplained and cryptic for the duration of Thirty Flights).

I believe that BLENDO could learn from Half-Life 2 in that, if you really pay attention, it was an incredibly linear game, but you didn't feel like it was linear. Everywhere you were supposed to crawl was mapped out for you very specifically, but the way Valve set it up made you feel as though you had so much control. Gravity Bone and Thirty Flights are both incredibly linear, but with story elements- both features it shares with HL2 (yes, I just compared them. Hear me out, re-read if necessary.) I believe this is a powerful combination in a game, as long as it is done correctly. Gravity Bone: definitely. Thirty Flights: lacking in its connection, but still on point with the visual interest in the surroundings and artsy feel. I still think it didn't fit, but if BLENDO could somehow fill the gap between the two games with a new sequel (or prequel) that focuses highly on the visual, storytelling, and connective aspects of the game, then JUST TAKE MY MONEY.

There are a lot of people on Steam who can't really appreciate the game. I can personally say that I didn't regret spending a cent on it, just because of the newness of experience it has brought to my scope (of gaming). I want more of it, because it felt so fresh. Period. I just wanted to offer suggestions of where I want the game to expand, if it will even expand at all.