I Am Alive

I Am Alive

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LeSenius 31. okt. 2014 kl. 4.41
Game view issue
Hey guys, i just bought the game and the first issue is that the game automaticaly looks to the ground, by that i mean even when i try to look to the sky and it does just that but right after that the view goes down to look at the ground. Its as if something is forcing to look down. I dont see any specific settings in options that could do this. I i constantly have to use the mouse to start looking forward and not to the ground. Can anyone help pls?
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StickyPawz 1. nov. 2014 kl. 14.04 
Usually that type of behavior is caused by stray controller/joystick signals. Do you have anything like that plugged in?
Sist redigert av StickyPawz; 1. nov. 2014 kl. 14.04
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