Once Human

Once Human

Lost my progress just now :)
I had issues with the hive chat in game, so i decided to just quit the game and restart, on startup i had a patch, that nobody else seems to have had and once im back in the server menu my character is just gone and all progress whiped :)

i already played for some time and now i just got reset, any advice or people that also happened to?
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Showing 1-6 of 6 comments
did you find any solutions?
SOUK Jul 12 @ 6:59pm 
Originally posted by WiB ლ(@益@ლ):
I had issues with the hive chat in game, so i decided to just quit the game and restart, on startup i had a patch, that nobody else seems to have had and once im back in the server menu my character is just gone and all progress whiped :)

i already played for some time and now i just got reset, any advice or people that also happened to?
Did you rejoin the correct server?
SkullWB Jul 12 @ 7:03pm 
Maybe your game got corrupted while playing and after your restarted what you thought was "a patch" was the launcher repairing the game files, after which your default selected server might have changed, check that your selected server is the one where you created your character initially, usually it should appear bellow the first tab called "Character" on top of the "ALL SCENARIOS" tab inside "Server list" option in the "Main menu".

Edit: And if you are missing the "Character" tab, just go to "All scenarios" and look for a server with the number "1" on the third(out of 4) column, the rest should appear as "-".
Last edited by SkullWB; Jul 12 @ 7:05pm
Dragon Jul 12 @ 7:04pm 
I thought this might have happened to me but all i had to do was go manually rejoin the right server again and i logged into my character.
DocOmz Jul 21 @ 7:54am 
I am having this issue now also. Logged out last night, we just got phase 2 yesterday and now I am showing no characters in any servers 😩 was lvl 36 and everything
winplay Jul 21 @ 7:59am 
Me too. I think it is the problem with the game server. my character is gone and i cant connect to any server. Have to wait for the game team
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Date Posted: Jul 11 @ 9:01am
Posts: 6