Source SDK

Source SDK

what to do if you sewed all the textures and decals into the map, but no one has them except you
what to do if you sewed all the textures and decals into the map, but no one has them except you

Using the Vide program
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I would use another program besides VIDE.

Compilepal will autopack the map for you.
Are all the custom textures and decals invisible to others, or just some?
If all, maybe you have set VIDE wrong, if only some (especially the custom decals) it is a problem of VIDE, which "forgets" the decals if they are not in the "materials/decals subfolder.
In this case pack the map first with VIDE, then with PakRat, or try CompilePal, a very efficient tool that compiles the map with the parameters you want, packs all the custom and builds the cubemaps in one shot.
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