Source SDK

Source SDK

Source SDK is dead
To my knowledge, Source SDK is dead, like literally broken. If you want to make a mod or a map, your better off using a Source games built in tools. Please correct me if I'm wrong though.
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Ttiki Jan 3 @ 2:16am 
It strongly depends on what you mean here. You'll have to use Source SDK nonetheless. However, launching most of the tools inside the Source SDK (Source SDK 2013 tool on Steam) may lead to crashes... A lot of tools were written a long time ago. And years of updates/non-updates have broken them.
However, there is always a solution to repair most of them or replace them with a community-made tool.
As for creating a mod, you will just have to set up Source SDK and the tools alongside your mod. But remember, we are speaking of a mod! So yeah, you will have to set up each tool for your mod but based on a Source game, as you are not making a game but a modification of the base game.
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