Street Fighter X Tekken

Street Fighter X Tekken

Am I able to use dlc off steam store on a non-steam SFXT?
Like say there's a sale on steam, am I unable to take advantage of that?

Edit: Yea I found that out recently
Legutóbb szerkesztette: -; 2013. máj. 17., 9:16
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12/2 megjegyzés mutatása
No i dont think so sorry, but you can use dlc off GFWL onto your steam version.
No. Steam will tell you that you're missing the base game. To be able to use DLC from Steam, you NEED to have the base game on your Steam library.
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Laponként: 1530 50

Közzétéve: 2013. ápr. 30., 10:46
Hozzászólások: 2