Chernobylite 2: Exclusion Zone

Chernobylite 2: Exclusion Zone

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Alleluja2000 Sep 8, 2024 @ 10:56am
No FPP combat:( Come on devs... PLEASE consider it
Maybe an option, like in Bethesda or Rockstar games!
There are already so many TPP shooters/melee games, please don't take away the fantastic immersion you've achived with first game by using first person perspective.

I know you said you can roam around in first person but pretty please... Make it so combat, especially gunplay, can be from FPP as well!
Originally posted by Legileg:
Alright, you’ve convinced us. We’ve always listened to your feedback, and we’ll do the same this time. We want to give you the option to fight in FPP, so we launched a Kickstarter campaign to raise funds for it. You’ll also find a few prototypes there that we managed to create in the past few weeks. We’ve seen how big corporations stubbornly stick to their hard-to-understand decisions, and we don’t want to be the same. It’s a rather bold move, but we believe that with your support, we can make it happen. After all, together, we made Chernobylite 1 a much better game, so why should this time be any different? You can find the link to the campaign here.

Even if you don’t want to (or can’t) support us, it’s worth checking out our material and letting us know if this is the direction you had in mind.
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Showing 1-15 of 63 comments
Vanta Aug 12, 2024 @ 9:49am 
Why Third Person when the first game was first person?
I'm not one of those people who refuses to play anything third person, but the first game was super immersive in first person and felt just right in first person. Is there any hope we can also experience this title in first person?
Lerox Aug 12, 2024 @ 9:52am 
there will be both :)
Sadocommando  [developer] Aug 12, 2024 @ 10:00am 
Most of the time you can play first person!
SgtFopper™ Aug 12, 2024 @ 10:07am 
Originally posted by Sadocommando:
Most of the time you can play first person!
Then please add this important info on the Steam store page. I also thought that's just in third person. It's tagged as third person only there.
Doctor Dementor Aug 12, 2024 @ 12:08pm 
i mean why not ? immersion is not exclusive to first person camera that's subjective
Blast Hardcheese Aug 12, 2024 @ 1:31pm 
Originally posted by Sadocommando:
Most of the time you can play first person!

That's good to know, is the melee combat also going to be first person? The trailer had him performing some spin attacks and I was wondering if that was just a flourish added to the third person mode or if melee is going to have the same attack timings in third and first person? Game looks pretty cool though, early sure, but I'm getting more polished ELEX vibes from the trailer. Hope development goes well!
Laicus Aug 12, 2024 @ 2:25pm 
100% first-person view mode
Dear developers, please give the opportunity to play only with a first-person view.
Please, please, please!
mejku Aug 12, 2024 @ 11:56pm 
Originally posted by Sadocommando:
Most of the time you can play first person!
So what for exactly is third or first person?
Pablo  [developer] Aug 13, 2024 @ 12:12am 
It will be possible to switch views. We will keep you posted on the details of how this will work, so keep an eye on us :)
Laicus Aug 13, 2024 @ 5:40am 
A first-person view with transitions to a third-person view while playing, it's almost as terrible as just a third-person view. It's a pity, I've been waiting for this game so much, but if the game switches to a third-person view from time to time, I just won't be able to bring myself to play it.
Please at least add some experimental option that will keep the camera in first-person perspective all the time, even if this perspective is not completely finished, it will suit me perfectly and will not prevent me from playing this game with pleasure, as I have played many games with the first-person mod, the main thing is that the game does not switched to a third-person view.
TheMysterD Aug 13, 2024 @ 10:31am 
If this is say like some of the older Hitman games where I can switch on the fly w/ the press of a button b/t 1st and 3rd at any moment, that's awesome.
Laicus Aug 14, 2024 @ 3:25am 
Or alternatively, completely removing any responsibility from the developers for the quality of the first-person view - an unofficial first-person view mod made by the developers themselves. This is what WolfEye Studios did for their Weird West, their mod has obvious drawbacks and in some situations there are still transitions to a third-person view, but 99.9% of the time, including fights, a first-person view is used. For me, this mod was just a salvation, only with it I was able to play this wonderful game and got tremendous pleasure from it.
Danger noodle Aug 14, 2024 @ 3:21pm 
i'm only considering this game because of the third person option, i personally dislike first person only games, i want to see my character. If this game will offer the option to switch between first/third person so players of each preferred vision mode can enjoy the way they want that will be the best way to do it.
Sadocommando  [developer] Aug 17, 2024 @ 6:11am 
Originally posted by Blast Hardcheese:
Originally posted by Sadocommando:
Most of the time you can play first person!

That's good to know, is the melee combat also going to be first person? The trailer had him performing some spin attacks and I was wondering if that was just a flourish added to the third person mode or if melee is going to have the same attack timings in third and first person? Game looks pretty cool though, early sure, but I'm getting more polished ELEX vibes from the trailer. Hope development goes well!
Combat will be third-person only, mostly because of variety of melee weapons and the tactics of their usage.
Sadocommando  [developer] Aug 17, 2024 @ 6:13am 
Originally posted by mejku:
Originally posted by Sadocommando:
Most of the time you can play first person!
So what for exactly is third or first person?

You can switch between first and third person cameras, except the fact, that whole combat is done for third person camera only. In other words, you can explore the world in first person, but when it comes to combat, third person camera will be started.
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