Bang Bang Racing

Bang Bang Racing

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On topic of why I didn't by the game aven with the -75% discount.
In this case I find myself lucky to have been able to test the demo, for it revealed to me certain values in the game development that I myself find very disturbing.

First of all, PC standard controller (known better by the name "Keyboard") has such a vas amount of bindable keys that with this kind of game it would be expected to have control setup, like a game that is by any extend targeted to PC platform, rahter than control sheed display. For example, I would've felt more home with brake being logically the button in between "Steer left" and "Steer right", as I am used to have the action button for WASD in TAB, rather than on sift. now, this in a way would not be a biggie, but I know people who prefer QAWE or even QWES -layouts, as well as the possibility of IJKL and B, and all the other possible options of pure preference. Therefore I must state that the developers of this game had no interest in really having to play this on PC, and therefore have shovelled it to the platform.

The shoveling can also be seen in the control of the cars. In the same way that FPS games on consoles might drop down the sensitivity of the aiming when there is enemies near the cursor, this game could have used some sort of ease in the steering of not having it in absolutes. For example the brake is soemthing that just doesn't feel right, as there is rarely any need to instant full stop in racing, expecially if there is no possibility of drifting. So why not have the brake sort of slide from small decreace to full stop, this wouldn't even be more than a 0.10s or even less to make it feel like there is actually some point in pressing the key. Same goes for strreing, if it's all or nothing by default, it is more uncomfortable to make small nudges to correct the direction. Not that I really felt any physics to give me the feel of speed anyways being there optimization or not. (Sorry, it's just the way it is, if the momentum doesn't stay when you brake, it feels slow. Same goes for the steering, if it doesn't hold the momentum on turns, it feels slow. Especially on arcade games)

As for the most annoying part of the Demo that has only little, if even that, to do with the actual full game, is the overmarketing. It has negative effect on me, due to the fact that it says to me the game is not made for the fun of it, but for the money. I know that back in the day of Shareware there were this habit of making splashscreens, when you stopped playing the game, that displayed the "features of the full game" and all, but then again, times were different and it was harder to get info on the games. Nowdays, if I'm playing the Demo of a game, I've already dug out informatoin about it, I've shown my interest and I've seen the shop page. I do not want to be spammed with "Now you've tried it, so buy Buy BUY!", like this game tends to do. If I want to exit the game, I do not want to be redirected back to the main menu because I, by reflex, tried to skip the plash screen by pressing enter that leads for the same "buy me" that trying to skip the race results. This kind of "marketing" only makes me really sad about how some people really create games, when there are vast amount of indies that do it because they want to entertain the players with theur creations that unfortunatelly gets overrun by excessive monetarization products.