Hell Yeah!
Just tried demo, this game is awesome.
I had never heard of this game, nor Arkedo, but I saw it on the front page here and I had to see what it was. Let's just say that I think I'm going to go grab a card and buy this because the demo, though extremely short, was a lot of fun. I even wrote a little blurb on my crappy blog[nazzir.blogspot.com] about it, complete with a video demonstration (that I'll probably get in trouble for but oh well).

[EDIT] I bought the game shortly after posting this then played for a couple of hours, it's been fun.
Автор останньої редакції: Kurgan Nazzir; 6 трав. 2016 о 4:29
Опубліковано: 4 січ. 2013 о 18:51
Дописів: 0