Command & Conquer™ Red Alert™ 3

Command & Conquer™ Red Alert™ 3

So which C&C game should I get?
As you can see, C&C is on sale, so I figured Id pick one of them up. Which one should I get? Which C&C game is the best, and why?
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115/18 megjegyzés mutatása
the only games you should get is for singleplayer compaigns etc, the multiplayer seen for every cc title is dead tbh --> check out gamereplays and see if the forums are active and such. CC4 is a waste of money, ra3 is okay now that its on sale rofl XD
lies lies and ignorance -

Always 100 peeps avail for some red alert goodness
So should I get Red Alert 3 or Tiberian Twilight? I'm a newb to RTS, I got Civ 5 in summer sale and love it but you know its TBS, I tried RTS games before but I kept failing, so considering this which C&C would be best for me? I'd prefer one of the newer ones though
If you're new to the RTS genre, just forget the newer titles and get Red Alert 2 and Tiberian Sun. $5.19 and $3.72 each on Amazon.
better yet if you can get your hands on First decade all the classic C&C the ones after those are not worth your time
Don't buy this, get Tiberian Dawn, Red Alert and Tiberian Sun, they're all free and they're the best in the series. You can even play them online with cncnet.
I prefer C&C 3 over RA3. C&C4 isn't considered a real C&C game by most because it went in a completely new direction. C&C 3's expansion: Kane's Wrath has a very cool new game mode where it is sort of a meshup of Risk and C&C, where you try and defend/conquer the globe over a map while battles take place in true C&C RTS fashion. The failure of the F2P C&C browser game would have probably done much better by basically incorporating this gamemode instead.

RA3 is a great game though as well continuing the RA line's goofy story telling. I would say that mostly I don't like the amphibious focus where in my personal opinion, the focus should have stayed on land combat while improving the naval warfare aspect instead of meshing them together.

If you are looking for older titles, C&C Generals is also a great game, especially with the Zero Hour expansion. Different Generals have different strategies and the setting is more of a not to distant future setting.

Red Alert 2 is probably my favorite out of all C&C games. It has creativity of the story as well as the units. Yuri's Revenge is also adds some to the gameplay and is worth it.

If graphics are a big deal, then in my opinion both C&C 3 and RA3 have aged fairly well, so either would be your best bet.
I would say Command And Conquer Generals, but it's not on Steam.
C&C 3 is your best option in my opinion, C&C Generals is very fun too, but is not here :leon:
Better off going over to amazon who bundle the games and sell them cheaper frequently I am lead to believe
Command and Conquer Red Alert 2 - C&C Red Alert 2 Yuris Revenge are the best of all time =)
Zeron eredeti hozzászólása:
I would say Command And Conquer Generals, but it's not on Steam.

Totally agree with you on this one Zeron. When I first saw the sale I was going to get it. I was surprised when I realized C&C Generals was not on Steam. Have not played it in a few years so I am not sure how well it has stood up to time.

I don't look at it as a C&C game from a purists point of view, but it sure sucked me in for many hours.
Or just get the Original Command & Conquer , C&C Red Alert and Tiberian Sun for free because Ea made them freeware.
Also have the greatest song in the entire series. Dat feel when starting a mission and this is always the 1st song.
Legutóbb szerkesztette: NisseDood; 2013. júl. 26., 8:48
C&C general Zero Hour still a great game, and has the most fun mods too.

I bought the Ultimate Collection off Amazon for $10. I've had every C&C game except for Renegade and C&C 4. I don't know what it is about RA3 but the previous ones are more appealing.
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115/18 megjegyzés mutatása
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Közzétéve: 2013. júl. 25., 10:08
Hozzászólások: 18