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Axeking Jan 17, 2021 @ 9:31am
How to Play Guide
Tried to make a guide, but steam has an issue, so summary here instead.

Goal: Completely fill in the grid. Every hex needs to end with a number or bomb marker to complete the puzzle. Some puzzles are solvable without completing, but to get credit you must fill in every hex.

- Only a number in a hex. The number indicates the number of bombs in the surrounding hexes - up to 6.

- Walls (black lines). These separate cells from one another. You do not count cells on opposite sides of a wall towards the clues counts in a cell.

- Number with 1 or more red arrows. The number indicates the total number of bombs in the hex lines pointed to from the clue cell. This includes all cells in the indicated lines, only stopping at walls. And the total is for all indicated lines combined, not for each line.

- Number with 1 or more blue arrows. The number again indicates the number of bombs in the indicated arcs pointed at by the arrows. The arc is 60 degrees wide and 3 hexes deep.

- Number with 2 green hexagons. Number indicates the total number of bombs in a 2 hex radius from the clue cell.

- Number on a shield. This indicates a locked cell. To unlock you need to locate a number of bombs anywhere on the grid equal to the number shown. Once this is done the content of the cell will be revealed and it acts like a normal cell.

For all hex clues:
If you click and hold on the clue cell, it will highlight the relevant cells that count towards bomb total shown in the clue cell.

Clue button:
I have not yet been able to confirm the rules that this follows, but it is not needed to solve any puzzle.
Last edited by Axeking; Jan 17, 2021 @ 10:57am
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Showing 1-3 of 3 comments
frerouche Jan 17, 2021 @ 8:09pm 
By Clue button, do you meant the "hint" that shows up under the mine count?
I think it only shows up when the remaining gray tiles are all safe. Meaning all remaining mines are in the white cells.
Axeking Jan 22, 2021 @ 10:29am 
Yes, the "Clue" button that shows up is what I'm talking about. (its not called Hint)
kerr Jan 23, 2023 @ 1:56pm 
What's up with the "recycling" arrows? I don't get, what those mean. Anyone?

Okay, it took me some digging, but I found the discussion about rotating clues.
Originally posted by ToastieLabs_Lee:
Today's update adds the keybind for rotating :)

And now I know, why I couldn't grasp it, I played without timer, thus the tiles didn't rotate on their own...
I'm using R now and it works just fine.
Last edited by kerr; Jan 24, 2023 @ 5:26am
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