Cozy Grove

Cozy Grove

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Late Stage Capitalism...
Two mentions of capitalism within 20 minutes of play on the "cozy" island. Jesus... learn to keep it in your pants. Also a little hypocritical there. Anyways count me out of this one. Best of luck to you.
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Showing 1-11 of 11 comments
Feebs Apr 8, 2021 @ 2:28pm 
Wait do you think all the games you have on your steam library are apolitical? Lol.
Sybarine Apr 8, 2021 @ 3:45pm 
Originally posted by Colonel McShizzle:
Two mentions of capitalism within 20 minutes of play on the "cozy" island. Jesus... learn to keep it in your pants. Also a little hypocritical there. Anyways count me out of this one. Best of luck to you.

Yeah, seeing that took me right out of it
Peak Imouto Apr 8, 2021 @ 3:49pm 
Originally posted by Colonel McShizzle:
Two mentions of capitalism within 20 minutes of play on the "cozy" island. Jesus... learn to keep it in your pants. Also a little hypocritical there. Anyways count me out of this one. Best of luck to you.

A bit strange that they are annoyed with capitalism but at the same time want people to come back day after day... Like a job.

I don't mind some critique of late stage capitalism, capitalism suck ass, especially the hyper capitalism we have now, with socialism for the rich and rugged harsh individualism for the rest. But I won't buy a game just for that.
Scimajor Apr 8, 2021 @ 5:14pm 
Obviously, if those words offend you then that's up to you but I find it increasingly easy for people to fall into the trap of looking for ways to be offended. I've played, for example, countless hours of GTA even though I find all the main characters in the game to be despicable examples of humanity. It bugs me but the game is just so good that I allow myself to overlook those aspects that bother me.
Ellen Apr 8, 2021 @ 5:27pm 
How sensitive do you have to be to feel irked by a game citing capitalism? Geez.
Originally posted by Ellen:
How sensitive do you have to be to feel irked by a game citing capitalism? Geez.
Sensitive enough to realize there's a good chance of more ham-fisted nonsense ahead. I'll phrase things in a maxim that west coast game devs with anti-capitalist sentiments du jour (and their ardents) will find more palatable: "You'll catch more flies with honey than you will with a club."
akoyash Apr 8, 2021 @ 8:58pm 
"if yuo hate capitalism then why exist" as a thread except its taken entirely seriously
Ellen Apr 8, 2021 @ 10:23pm 
Originally posted by Colonel McShizzle:
Originally posted by Ellen:
How sensitive do you have to be to feel irked by a game citing capitalism? Geez.
Sensitive enough to realize there's a good chance of more ham-fisted nonsense ahead. I'll phrase things in a maxim that west coast game devs with anti-capitalist sentiments du jour (and their ardents) will find more palatable: "You'll catch more flies with honey than you will with a club."

What is a nonsense to you isn't to other people, though. What a bunch of boring games we would have if everyone was irked by things like debating capitalism. Thank god quite a lot of people have more than 2 braincells and we have pleeenty of options, for all tastes.
Komi Apr 8, 2021 @ 10:58pm 
video game that talks about how capitalism ruined america and has guns: :VBCOOL:

video game that says "capitalism bad:" :cgpout:
Chedd  [developer] Apr 8, 2021 @ 11:08pm 
As a general rule I make an effort to avoid political threads on the internet, but I thought I'd pop in here just to note a couple things for anyone who might care:

- Both cofounders of Spry Fox have MBAs from good American schools. We are far from "anti-Capitalist." We are "pro-let's-make-Capitalism-better."

- People on BOTH the right AND left of the political spectrum agree, for example, that health care costs in the US are outrageous, and that far too many hard-working people are subjected to medical-related financial bankruptcies DESPITE having expensive insurance coverage they paid dearly for, so when you see our little joke In Cozy Grove about "crowdfunding an appendectomy", it's worth understanding that we feel like that's an issue almost everyone can chuckle darkly at. Except maybe health insurance execs, I guess? Again, just an example to help see where we are coming from. We tried to approach all the "edgy" humor in the game through the lens of "can reasonable people of all types and backgrounds grok where this is coming from?"

(On a personal note, my father in law just passed away from what turned out to be cancer, which he had ignored the symptoms of for many months because he felt he could not afford the copays+deductibles on his insurance despite working a full time job. So he waited until his condition was really bad before seeing a doctor and... boom, got a stage 4 diagnosis. I believe that it didn't have to go down that way.)

And that is the very last thing I will ever say on this topic in these forums. You are all entitled to your opinions and I have no desire to debate anyone.
Last edited by Chedd; Apr 9, 2021 @ 1:22am
azagee Apr 9, 2021 @ 3:56am 
With the amount of New Vegas you've played, dude, I think this one is the least of your worries. They may not have said the word capitalism out loud, but that's 100% what Fallout is (or used to be) about.
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Date Posted: Apr 8, 2021 @ 11:27am
Posts: 11