Airport Renovator

Airport Renovator

Airport Management
Would also like you see an option for airport management. There are other games out there that do this, but only for massive International airports. It would be a great add on to have it at these smaller strips.

Part of an airports value is the amount of traffic it can generate, flights in and out, terminals for transport companies to serve their customers (cargo or passangers), FBOs for new pilot training, Fuel depots for refueling, etc.

Let me restore it, then grow it as a business, THEN sell it for the cash to start a new project.

just an ask.
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I also was hoping for more than just renovation. All airport managers are for big international airports, It would be nice to be owner of small airport. They are multiple "small businesses" simulators so why no a small airport simulator.
Unfortunately I don't think there will be such option in this game, zero news from developers is bad sign. Maybe a competitor American Airport Simulator will fill that gap, time will tell.
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