The Necromancer's Tale

The Necromancer's Tale

sam  [developer] Sep 20, 2024 @ 3:23am
20 Sept 2024 (Alpha 0.113)
This patch adds a few things to the demo:
- a general graphical touch up (in particular, there's more foliage),
- some bug fixes,
- the fullscreen painterly effect is now optional (see graphics options)
- the addition of difficulty levels including auto-resolve combat

The main change here is a new feature we're trialing: auto-resolved combats - for people that just want an adventure and don't really like turn-based combats. As you'll see, when you start a new game you pick a difficulty level, and the easiest mode is 'Story Mode' - in this, combats are resolved based on the calculated "Combat Rating" of your party versus your enemy party. This means that it will still be just as important to build up your minions/allies and to equip yourself and pick appropriate skills (physical vs social vs mental) - but the combats themselves won't be played out.

We'd love to hear your thoughts on the Auto-Resolved Combats idea.
Date Posted: Sep 20, 2024 @ 3:23am
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