Achilles: Legends Untold

Achilles: Legends Untold

Russian language
Why Russian players were deprived of the translation of the game? :steamsad:
Developers please add translation! :spazwinky:
投稿主: Eric:
EDIT: We know this is a contentious and difficult topic. The team has made their stance and have removed Achilles: Legends Untold from the Russian store, and are not supporting Russian localization. We are open to negativity and encourage all feedback on our game, but we want this Steam forums to be focused on the game itself. Asking for localization is fine. Toxic debates about unrelated topics are not.

This thread has been locked due to toxicity, and all comments unrelated to the game have been deleted.

Dark Point Games does not take this decision lightly. The team has decided that as long as this senseless war continues, they will not support or do business with Russia in any capacity. This includes selling Achilles: Legends Untold in Russia, or supporting language localization for Russian players.

The team acknowledges and understands that there are Russian fans that support them and Achilles: Legends Untold, and that this may unfairly exclude them. However, it's very important to the team to take a hard stance against Russia in all ways possible as long as this war continues.
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1-15 / 18 のコメントを表示
76561199161111637 2022年5月3日 9時00分 
EDIT: We know this is a contentious and difficult topic. The team has made their stance and have removed Achilles: Legends Untold from the Russian store, and are not supporting Russian localization. We are open to negativity and encourage all feedback on our game, but we want this Steam forums to be focused on the game itself. Asking for localization is fine. Toxic debates about unrelated topics are not.

This thread has been locked due to toxicity, and all comments unrelated to the game have been deleted.

Dark Point Games does not take this decision lightly. The team has decided that as long as this senseless war continues, they will not support or do business with Russia in any capacity. This includes selling Achilles: Legends Untold in Russia, or supporting language localization for Russian players.

The team acknowledges and understands that there are Russian fans that support them and Achilles: Legends Untold, and that this may unfairly exclude them. However, it's very important to the team to take a hard stance against Russia in all ways possible as long as this war continues.
最近の変更はEricが行いました; 2022年5月20日 11時21分
On the 'politics' of not supporting Russian language
Hey team. Recently one of you posted this in response to a request for Russian language support:

Eric の投稿を引用:
The team has decided that as long as this senseless war continues, they will not support or do business with Russia in any capacity. This includes selling Achilles: Legends Untold in Russia, or supporting language localization for Russian players.

Curiously enough, your game seems to be available for purchase in Russia (and with a nice regional discount to boot), but I won't be buying it. Here is why.

I agree that it's important to take a firm stance on political issues that you care about, even if they don't concern videogames. I even share your attitude towards the special military operation.

But you know what else is important? Educating yourself on the issues you care about.

Russian is not just the language of Russia. It is the second most popular language in Ukraine, spoken by 30% of the population as their first language and by many others as their second. Putin's main rationale for this war was 'protecting the rights of Russian-speaking population of Ukraine', but Mariupol, the city that arguably suffered the most damage and civillian losses, is 99% Russian-speaking.

But wait, perhaps your game supports Ukrainian language, spoken by the majority in Ukraine? No, it doesn't.

As of now, It also seems to lack support for Lithuanian, Kazakh, Tajik and most other languages spoken in the countries of ex-USSR and former Soviet Bloc. These countries are home to sizable Russian-speaking minorities (that do not necessarily support Russia) and many other people who speak Russian as a sort of regional lingua franca. Of course, Russian is gradually losing its position of the most commonly spoken foreign language to English – thanks to the diplomatic and military genius of the almighty Vladimir Putin – but it still remains pretty popular. If your game lacks support for their official languages and for Russian then you're bound to lose at least some of the market share in those countries.

It's not exactly my problem, mind you. I'm quite fluent in English and anyway my money is better spent on donations to charities that help Ukrainian refugees and those people in Russia that still dare to protest this invasion. But I'm so baffled at your self-righteous crusade against a language spoken by millions of people who have nothing to do with this war that I decided to stop by and write this lengthy response.

Bye team.
That's right, I'm Russian - I only work with English-speaking people, but the position of the publisher or developer of this game greatly confused me. To cancel the language spoken by half of Europe - well, it's funny, and most importantly, the Poles know it like no other (about the Russian language).
Clu 2022年5月13日 5時14分 
I'm English and don't speak Russian, but discriminating people purely for the language they speak is wrong and illiberal. I have requested a refund.
Lul, i live in Europe, but my mother language is Russian, before i planned buy this game, but now: No thanks. Adieu, Dark Point Games. :stop:
Some people looks quite like a children. Why? Because some people clearly don't understand how support for cartain language looks like.

First of all. They need to hire people that will do such translation in professional way. In such game it can't be done by community. Secondly, you need to make support sections for such language. Maybe such language was not planned at all and you simply think like that: GIVE ME THAT ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ LANGUAGE NOW.
It takes time.

Another thing is about the font. Sometimes you have to do it manually from scratch, as typical font used in the game isn't supporting such letters.

And in the term of politics: I think people from this "country" (that should not be considired as country anymore, but a wilderness) should be cut off from everything. Even games. And if you think they decided to not support this language due to political reason, I support them.
Clu の投稿を引用:
Definition of racist: of, relating to, or characterized by the systemic oppression of a racial group to the social, economic, and political advantage of another

systemic oppression

Lack of support for cartain language in virtual product is oppression for you?
So is that region locking on Steam too?
Or maybe borders between countries are systematic oppression for you?
Is the language in indie game something that make a political adventage?

Is your brain dead? Or rotting by "Z" ideology already?
Brodaty の投稿を引用:
Clu の投稿を引用:

systemic oppression

Lack of support for cartain language in virtual product is oppression for you?
So is that region locking on Steam too?
Or maybe borders between countries are systematic oppression for you?
Is the language in indie game something that make a political adventage?

Is your brain dead? Or rotting by "Z" ideology already?

He wanna say that russian-speak people not living only in Russia. And before this, russian language was planned to add in game. And right now it looks like a "discriminate", i support this opinion.
Nihil 2022年5月13日 6時11分 
Clu の投稿を引用:
I'm English and don't speak Russian, but discriminating people purely for the language they speak is wrong and illiberal. I have requested a refund.
Well than raise the concers for all the other languages which are not supported in games. Why is hungarian also ignored in games? I couldn't care less. But if we already have this point open....than let's handle everyone the same way. Or not?
Nihil の投稿を引用:
Special military operation. :D You calling that by this name tells us everything we need to know about you OP

I also called it 'the war' and 'the invasion' in the very same post. Your point?
Just close to buy your game from CIS region, xenophobes. and all be happy, if u not support RU language - why u set regional price + discount?
I'm ashamed of you.
最近の変更はSerpenttearSが行いました; 2022年5月13日 10時07分
Clu 2022年5月13日 10時17分 
I was really looking forward to this game, I love ancient Greek mythology and want to support indie devs.
I would happily buy it again if the dev's retracted their initial statement, it was silly to say but we all make mistakes.
Greetings from Ukraine !
There is no need to complain about russian language and everytihng 'russian' at all until war will not be over and consequences will prevail upon russian terrorism and her war criminals. Im glad that 'Achilles: Legends Untold' team choose right side and will not contribute in any kind of to aggressive fascism country.

Peace !
Interesting topic but most of the people complaining about no Russian language seem to be pretty good at english. Oh well russia has been kicked out of about everything there is to be kicked from war is bad.
That is a twisted take but to each his or her own.

I'll say that the Russian people shouldn't suffer over your leader's decision. I have seen alot protest but that just lands you in jail i guess. I hope the whole mess ends soon.
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1-15 / 18 のコメントを表示
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投稿日: 2022年4月24日 10時13分
投稿数: 18