Grand Theft Auto IV: The Complete Edition

Grand Theft Auto IV: The Complete Edition

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Be The Ma!NE May 24, 2018 @ 8:38pm
what happened to my save when i delete the game
what will happened to my save if i deleted the game without signing in with microsoft live. but instead only made a offine profile?

because i delete that game and trying install it again....

thanks in advance
Originally posted by AntiqueGamer:
Nothing! Nothing happens! Your save games are safe. They are saved locally on your machine. You can see them in a directory, which under Windows 7 is: C:\Users\<your name>\AppData\Local\Rockstar Games\GTA IV\savegames\user_<long number> and will be called SGTA400 to SGTA412 and there will be one additional file: ControlMap.dat - that is your key bindings. The save game files are tiny, 1.88MB each.

So you can safely load and unload GTA-IV and ELFC and the save files will always be there. Be advised, if you have GTA-IV and ELFC, the games, although seperate will save to that same directory so you may end up with some over-writing, so its a good idea to backup (manually) the files after you have finished with one game so that if you wish to return to it later, you can do so knowing the data is safe.

Additionally, if you finish a mission and then save (using the sleep option at any safe house) then SAVE the file SGTA400 you can in effect 'stage save' - simply rename the file __SGTA400 - A Long Way To Fall (that is an example) and the __ bit before the file prevents the game from reading it, but its there to be accessed if you wish to replay that level. To replay, simply change the file name back to SGTA400 - but be warned, it will overwrite anything you have in slot one. It also comes in handy when doing 'hard' missions as you can do the mission and if you screw up, you simply reload SGTA400 and play it as if the whole mess never happened.

NOTE: to rename files you will need to access the SAVE directory on your computer directly. It is perfectly safe and will not damage or effect the way GTA-IV or EFLC plays as its simple save data. BE WARNED, do not delete the file ControlMap.dat as that is your key bindings.
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AntiqueGamer May 25, 2018 @ 2:39am 
Nothing! Nothing happens! Your save games are safe. They are saved locally on your machine. You can see them in a directory, which under Windows 7 is: C:\Users\<your name>\AppData\Local\Rockstar Games\GTA IV\savegames\user_<long number> and will be called SGTA400 to SGTA412 and there will be one additional file: ControlMap.dat - that is your key bindings. The save game files are tiny, 1.88MB each.

So you can safely load and unload GTA-IV and ELFC and the save files will always be there. Be advised, if you have GTA-IV and ELFC, the games, although seperate will save to that same directory so you may end up with some over-writing, so its a good idea to backup (manually) the files after you have finished with one game so that if you wish to return to it later, you can do so knowing the data is safe.

Additionally, if you finish a mission and then save (using the sleep option at any safe house) then SAVE the file SGTA400 you can in effect 'stage save' - simply rename the file __SGTA400 - A Long Way To Fall (that is an example) and the __ bit before the file prevents the game from reading it, but its there to be accessed if you wish to replay that level. To replay, simply change the file name back to SGTA400 - but be warned, it will overwrite anything you have in slot one. It also comes in handy when doing 'hard' missions as you can do the mission and if you screw up, you simply reload SGTA400 and play it as if the whole mess never happened.

NOTE: to rename files you will need to access the SAVE directory on your computer directly. It is perfectly safe and will not damage or effect the way GTA-IV or EFLC plays as its simple save data. BE WARNED, do not delete the file ControlMap.dat as that is your key bindings.
Last edited by AntiqueGamer; May 25, 2018 @ 2:44am
AntiqueGamer May 25, 2018 @ 8:20am 
Glad I could help.

AntiqueGamer: Serving the Gaming Community since 1981
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Date Posted: May 24, 2018 @ 8:38pm
Posts: 2