Gears Tactics

Gears Tactics

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mylomane Apr 27, 2020 @ 1:30pm
Save File Between Steam and Xbox Game Pass
Hey all, I usually like buying my games, but gonna play it first to try it on Game Pass. I'm wondering if you can transfer your save fire from one to the other? I'll probably buy it if I end up liking it.
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Showing 1-9 of 9 comments
Bienio Apr 27, 2020 @ 1:32pm 
Good question.
🐺Blue Wolf Apr 27, 2020 @ 1:39pm 
Hard to say for this game, but generally speaking from what I can see when searching about it, no.
Wraide Apr 27, 2020 @ 1:42pm 
If you sign into your xbox live account in-game, it should sync your save files from the servers, regardless of platform.
TemmieNeko Apr 27, 2020 @ 1:44pm 
Originally posted by mylomane:
Hey all, I usually like buying my games, but gonna play it first to try it on Game Pass. I'm wondering if you can transfer your save fire from one to the other? I'll probably buy it if I end up liking it.
it uses your XBOXLIVE account, gamepass promotes cross platform play with your games, so yes.
Rogue Apr 27, 2020 @ 3:04pm 
Saves are not synced but your progression/achievements are, since they uses the same xbox live account.

You have to manually find the save file and copy over.
aSheepamongWolves Apr 27, 2020 @ 3:40pm 
I played the game A plague tale: innocence on Origin 1st. Then my sub ended for origin but i downloaded it on Gamepass and it transferred my save. I reckon if it does a hdd save it will work
MancSoulja Apr 27, 2020 @ 5:20pm 
Originally posted by Rogue:
Saves are not synced but your progression/achievements are, since they uses the same xbox live account.

You have to manually find the save file and copy over.

Yes they are, all MS games sync with the cloud, Play Anywhere wouldn't work otherwise.
Rogue Apr 27, 2020 @ 5:51pm 
Originally posted by MancSoulja:
Originally posted by Rogue:
Saves are not synced but your progression/achievements are, since they uses the same xbox live account.

You have to manually find the save file and copy over.

Yes they are, all MS games sync with the cloud, Play Anywhere wouldn't work otherwise.

Not really, for example State of Decay 2. The community data is not synced between windows store and steam.
Abbie Doobie Apr 21, 2023 @ 4:10pm 
Just in case anybody searches for this (like I did), you CAN copy the saves over. They will need to be renamed.

1. Get the save paths from pcgamingwiki, then copy the xbox game pass saves somewhere so you can work on them.
2. Disable Steam Cloud Save for Gears Tactics (you'll reenable later).
3. Boot up Steam version and sign into XBL. This will pull down your overarching Gears Tactics save, but no campaign slots are included sadly.
4. Create new saves in the Steam version (boot up game > new campaign > skip tutorial > save and quit).
5. *Rename the copied game pass saves (step 1) to match the Steam saves, ignoring the smallest files. Basically name the files that are over 400KB to "GearGameSaveGame_Slot", "GearGameSaveGame_Slot_1", "GearGameSaveGame_Slot_2"... at random. See note below for more.
6. Copy the newly renamed saves into the steam save folder for Gears Tactics.
7. Boot up the game. Your saves should now be accessible to continue.
8. Reenable Steam Cloud Saves.

*After renaming the files and booting up the game, if you see no saves, try changing around the naming and booting the game up again. So for EX change '...Slot' to '...Slot_1' and '...Slot_1' back to '...Slot'. Using a Hex Editor you can suss out which one is which, but I guessed and got it right the second time, and then it all just worked.
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