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tips for mid-game needed (SPOILERS)
so, as the title says, i need assistance with the mid-game. what i mean by the mid-game is everything during the deep-caves stuff, but more specifically, the deep caves bosses.

currently, i havent beaten a single one. and its honestly kinda getting to me, seeing as it FEELS like i should be a living mountain that imparts its wrath into any fool who dares approach, but instead i feel more like a goblin scrambling around with no idea what im doing. its especially frustrating knowing that my gear is really good during this phase of the game. i have full glacial armor. the melee set of it, for those sweet sweet armor points. to add onto this, i have a full 350 health. yet, it still feels like they're doing way more damage to me than i am to them.

i would also like to mention, my main melees are a glacial great sword and a quartz glaive. ive used them for a while and they've quickly become my favorites of the melee bunch. only problem is, it feels like i never can get close to the boss to dish out that glorious 700 damage with a fully charged great sword slash. the boss moves way faster than i do, and hits quicker too. its forced me to resort to my much, MUCH weaker flintlock with void bullets, which takes forever to do any good damage. it'd be nice to know if there were good melee weapons for bosses at this stage, because it feels like the ones i have, while i love them, arent good enough for these current bosses who would gladly massacre you if you stop moving for even a second.

for anyone curious, my full load out consists of:
full glacial set, shell of retribution, balance foci, life pendant, keen frozen heart, a precise air vessel, force of wind, a berserk glacial great sword, a quartz glaive, a skillful flintlock, a wise dredging staff, a quartz staff, and a savage vulture staff. i dont tend to use my magic items often unless im in a panic (mainly the dredging staff because its good for when you get overwhelmed. also good for clearing spider webs.), and my vulture staff mostly just is there for backup.
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Showing 1-7 of 7 comments
cellF11 Jun 8, 2023 @ 4:42pm 
I haven't really tried specific playstyle so not much of advise, but you can use more critical stat(from foods or equipment) to maximize damage output. maybe use zephyr boots for evasion and swap airtank with something else for more durability or damage? also try tungsten armor to get more tanky.
To max out tank style, you can raise pork for strong health buff food,and move force of wind into toolbelt to use shield(shell is one of shield items too) as main ability.

another thing is you can hunt ninjas in glacial cave for their set,it's light armored but have strong buff for crits&remove movement penalty while attack/charging. which is very useful against bullet hell boss in that biome.

dredge staff is super effective against deep swamp boss,you should keep it there. but when you need cover fire, shotgun or upgraded blood bolt combined DoT and armor reduction(bone trinket) can save you from homing missiles.
faucelme Jun 17, 2023 @ 3:54pm 
My favorite build is summoner with magic weapon. That may be the easiest build for low-skill players like myself. I usually use Shadow Bolt against the Reaper. I keep killing him until he drops Shadow Beam, then I use that for all remaining bosses. The main reason I prefer Shadow Beam is that it fires fast and doesn't slow you down as much as a slower weapon.

Trinkets vs Reaper: Force of Wind, Frozen Soul, Hysteria Tablet, Life Pendant, Spiked Bat Boots, Balanced Frostfire Foci. Everything enchanted with Keen or Nimble. I also swig these potions: Accuracy, Attack Speed, Battle, Combat Regen, Minion, Resistance, Speed. Other potions probably help too. My favorite meal to eat before boss battles is Spaghetti Bolognese.

After Cryo Queen you get Banner Stands, and those help too.

Don't have much advice for melee; that's the most difficult class for me and I haven't played that in over a year. I dimly recall I prefer effects which remove movement speed reduction when attacking, like Ninja armor, or at least Ninjas Mark trinket.
DaveYognaught Nov 25, 2024 @ 8:24pm 
I like using the deep swamp stuff. Including the druids greatbow found in swamp caves, I also use the widow armor. It seems to be very good. I use masterful enchant on the bow. my favorite and best imo is the summon vulture staff. When the reaper summons his little dudes I like to use the dredging staff because it clears them all out with its wide attack range. Zepher boots are great because they make me fast. Good luck with your quest fellow gamer! o7
Stealth-Boy 3000 Nov 26, 2024 @ 7:04am 
Is your gear all enchanted with good/best buffs?
ElDudorino Nov 26, 2024 @ 7:20am 
Originally posted by Stealth-Boy 3000:
Is your gear all enchanted with good/best buffs?
This, and note that you can enchant not only your passive trinkets but also your active trinket and armor pieces.

I agree that ninja armor could be useful for a greatsword but alternatively you could use the Ninja's Mark trinket for that effect. For the Ice Queen replace your dash with boots and use the mark instead of air vessel.

For the Reaper, the main threat is his little seeking phantoms. Wipe them out and all you have to worry about is his slow scythe and predictable dash sequence. You should be a able to beat him pretty easily if you get his pattern down. As with most bosses, try to fight in a wide-open space (clear one with bombs if needed) so you never have to worry about dodging into a wall or a pool of lava.

The Reaper should mostly be in range I would think but the Ice Queen may be hard to hit. You might want a bow or gun for her. I'd have to look at the stats but I think the glacial bow is the one I use at that stage.

Totally didn't realize somebody had revived a year-old thread...
Last edited by ElDudorino; Nov 26, 2024 @ 9:43am
Spiff Nov 26, 2024 @ 9:06am 
The thread was started a long time ago, but if anyone still cares:

Bring lots of settlers with you to fight the bosses. Make sure they have decent equipment, with enough food and recall scrolls. I often save Pest Warden (deep swamp) until much later because settlers don't dodge well.

For yourself, try Carapace Dagger, Challenger's Pauldron, Manica (if you have it), Fool's Gambit, Dessert Pancakes (food), and potions.
Last edited by Spiff; Nov 26, 2024 @ 9:10am
Pocketstealer Nov 27, 2024 @ 5:18am 
wel mine is totally different force of wind as trinket also trying to get first of all the glacial pickaxe then go straight for mycelium while using a machine gun after getting mycelium armor ranger the things i use is force of wind traveler's bag (or what it's called) balanced frostflame fogi assasin cloak (i think i sayed it right) bone hilt mobility or invisible cloak (or what it's called) and maybe frozen heart also if at the swamp deep cave boss the melee w ranged combination THERE IS ALWAYS PLAN B CALLED DYNAMITE SPAM (IT ALWAYS WORKS) however at dessert consists of tons of guards equipped w living shotgun and also your armor has to be atleast having all in dmg or most in dmg or attack speed the rest consists of staying alive and dealing heavy damage in short duration of time
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