Hardspace: Shipbreaker

Hardspace: Shipbreaker

Ship pieces not separating after removing all cut points
I've had several instances of ships where, even after removing all the cut points, some individual parts of the ship did not come apart. It always happened at the back of the ship, so the remaining nanocarbon panels formed a shell around everything still in there. This made it practically impossible to proceed with the salvage, since the Splitsaw can't cut through nanocarbon and Demo Charges would cause too much damage (especially when the reactor was still in there). Starting from Rank 15 or so, more or less every single ship I got that wasn't a Mackerel was affected by this issue, so I wasn't able to reach the 4th or 5th salvage goal for any of these ships.

Out of all the bugs that the game has in V0.6, this one has been by far the most detrimental to my experience with the game, so I'm surprised that I don't see any discussions about it. Has anybody else encountered this?
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The ship is being held together by the attachment system. By the sounds of it, you're taking apart a Gecko, and that might have lights attached to the back that are holding the rear together, as well as temperature control units doing the same.

Remove items, and the hull will come apart.
Honestly, the 'load bearing' salvage really is a systemic bug.
Messaggio originale di TakovacsPlays:
The ship is being held together by the attachment system. By the sounds of it, you're taking apart a Gecko, and that might have lights attached to the back that are holding the rear together, as well as temperature control units doing the same.

Remove items, and the hull will come apart.

Thanks for the comment. I've noted that as well and it might have been part of the problem, but I don't think it explains everything. I've had at least two Javelins where the entire back compartment of the ship was one contiguous piece, and in case of the Gecko where I had this problem, these very elongated titanium structures (not sure what to properly call them) on the inside of the hull also did not come loose after removing the cut points.
Ultima modifica da Vyse; 17 ott 2021, ore 11:09
In those instances, and I know this is a hassle, pictures of what;s not separating (incl structural scanner mode) will be really helpful.
Not only are there loadbearing lights and the like, but often times pieces will be separate and still not move because they're effectively clamped in place. I often see it with Geckos where you can't remove an individual hull panel even though it's clearly separated (weight listed is under 3 tons), but once you release the other panels they will all come free at once. I've also now found out it can happen on lower hazard cargo javelins where it's possible to split the hull into upper and lower sections. If you start by removing the hull, the top will release just fine, but the bottom will be unmovable until you pretty much remove the clamping force generated between the forward and rear bulkheads.

Sometimes you can get in a situation where a panel is free, but if you try to punt it away it'll move about 2 feet and snap back into position.
Pull every heat sink. They love to bond to hull panels.
Sometimes pieces of salvage clip through each other, a heavy cargo Mackerel for example if it has a radiation shield on the top side of the crew bunks directly behind the cockpit, it will clip through the cargo clamp, making a piece of salvage bound for the Processor and one for the Barge permanently stuck together. So yeah, that happens (yes, I did report that through the ingame report function, bloody marvelous idea to screencap the game in the same go btw)
Messaggio originale di TakovacsPlays:
In those instances, and I know this is a hassle, pictures of what;s not separating (incl structural scanner mode) will be really helpful.

I took two screenshots of a Javelin to try and show what I'm talking about:

Normal view: https://i.imgur.com/Wb6Yhzt.jpg
Scanner view (from a different angle): https://i.imgur.com/ZrN3btw.jpg

The nanocarbon "ring" that is wrapped around the two airlocks cannot be removed in one piece, so I expected it to come apart after removing all the cut points, but that didn't happen. In order to proceed, I had to destroy the aluminum panel at the back wall of the ring with the Stinger, cut the ring in two halves with Demo Charges, and cut both ends of the aerobridge with the Splitsaw for good measure.

To be fair, it's not a super big deal and doesn't cause nearly enough damage to jeopardize the 90% goal (or even the bonus 98% goal), so maybe I overreacted a bit when I encountered this situation for the first time. I still need to wrap my head around the fact that a 100% perfect salvage is not meant to be possible in this game.
Ultima modifica da Vyse; 17 ott 2021, ore 17:22
Ah, that's actually detached fine, but the ring is locked in place by the airlocks. You should be able to use 2 demo charges to blast that ring in 2 pieces, by placing one at the top, and one at the bottom of the ring.

Alternatively, placing 2 charges adjacent on the outside of the yellow lines of the left airlock will release the airlock on that side, and mean the other airlock has more slack space to move. This is a much higher skill manoeuvre, so would recommend the first.

If you don't have demos, well... Get them. :)
With the Javelins I get the airlocks tending to lock everything in place even though all cutting positions have been cut. Unless you take the split beam to everything you can split and cut it into pieces it can be very difficult to separate. Then sometimes when I come back on the next shift the problem has solved itself.

It is easier with demo charges, but I'm not up to level 11 yet.

Also the aerobridge could do with some proper detachment points so that you can separate it properly. Otherwise you end up butchering it.
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Data di pubblicazione: 17 ott 2021, ore 10:47
Messaggi: 10