Unable to use playstation controller
I have a Playstation2->USB adapter and a controller hooked up to it. In the control panel the controller registers fine and I see the analog / digital movement etc. However, the game does not recognize it. I tried setting the keyboard to player 2 (and 3, just to be sure) but it didn't change anything. Does anyone know what I'm doing wrong?
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Sometimes a ps2 controller dosn't get connected to a game (Since the software on it is so dated) i'd suggest a xbox controller , if you dont want a new controller you could try installing xpadder.
I second using Xpadder
But then I would need to be able to setup two keyboards. Is this possible?
Use this to emulate a 360 controller using any other controller.
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Közzétéve: 2013. ápr. 27., 2:32
Hozzászólások: 4