Baldur's Gate 3

Baldur's Gate 3

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Brids17 Aug 23, 2023 @ 2:20pm
Wild magic
I noticed both Barbarian and Sorcerer have access to wild magic. For anyone who has tried both, which one was more fun? I like the idea of random effects but I have no idea how either of them play or if one is more random than the other.
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Showing 1-9 of 9 comments
Malaficus Shaikan Aug 23, 2023 @ 2:21pm 
Because spellcasters>meatsheilds with oversized toothpicks.
Tsuru Aug 23, 2023 @ 2:22pm 
Barbarian has more beneficial options then sorc. Sorc has the chance everytime they cast to trigger an effect. Barbarians only trigger then they rage, or at a certain level and take dmg.
LordAnubis Aug 23, 2023 @ 2:25pm 
They both roll from the same wild magic table. Barbarian Wild Magic only happens when you enter Rage, which at maximum is 4 times per day assuming pure Barb. Sorcerer it happens as a chance any time you cast a level 1+ spell; well you get a lot of spell slots on Sorc. So depends on how often you want to use wild magic I guess.
Last edited by LordAnubis; Aug 23, 2023 @ 2:27pm
Wiegs Aug 23, 2023 @ 2:26pm 
In a coop team i've seen a sorcerer putting Blur on everyone as a wild effect in the last bit of the tutorial, effectively making all our chances to hit the Tiefling boss 9% at best for a few turns. I had to kiss goodbye to his sword. Me sad.
Wiegs Aug 23, 2023 @ 2:28pm 
Originally posted by LordAnubis:
They both roll from the same wild magic table. Barbarian Wild Magic only happens when you enter Rage, which at maximum is 4 times per day assuming pure Barb. Sorcerer it happens any time you cast a level 1+ spell; well you get a lot of spell slots on Sorc. So depends on how often you want to use wild magic I guess.
The barbarian at level 10 also triggers a wild effect when taking damage or failing a saving throw. (Still has to be during rage though)
Firemad Aug 23, 2023 @ 2:30pm 
Both in multiclass because its wild :)
Tsuru Aug 23, 2023 @ 2:31pm 
Originally posted by LordAnubis:
They both roll from the same wild magic table. Barbarian Wild Magic only happens when you enter Rage, which at maximum is 4 times per day assuming pure Barb. Sorcerer it happens as a chance any time you cast a level 1+ spell; well you get a lot of spell slots on Sorc. So depends on how often you want to use wild magic I guess.

The tables are not the same. Barbarians and sorcs have very different wild magic effects.
Brids17 Aug 23, 2023 @ 2:32pm 
Originally posted by Wiegs:
Originally posted by LordAnubis:
They both roll from the same wild magic table. Barbarian Wild Magic only happens when you enter Rage, which at maximum is 4 times per day assuming pure Barb. Sorcerer it happens any time you cast a level 1+ spell; well you get a lot of spell slots on Sorc. So depends on how often you want to use wild magic I guess.
The barbarian at level 10 also triggers a wild effect when taking damage or failing a saving throw. (Still has to be during rage though)

Hmm... that kinda sounds fun. Chaotic but fun. I'm also planning on doing it for multiplayer. Does anyone know what the chance of it proccing is for sorcerer?
Drake Aug 23, 2023 @ 2:32pm 
Originally posted by LordAnubis:
They both roll from the same wild magic table. Barbarian Wild Magic only happens when you enter Rage, which at maximum is 4 times per day assuming pure Barb. Sorcerer it happens any time you cast a level 1+ spell; well you get a lot of spell slots on Sorc. So depends on how often you want to use wild magic I guess.

No there are 2 separate tables.

Barbarian widl magic table has 8 powers, and most of them are beneficial (the 2 auras that affect allies are the difficult terrain aura and the tendrils). The rest are either mobility, adamge or protection buffs. None of the powers are negative to the barbarians, they all benefit them.

Wild mage sorcerer table has 22 powers. Most of t hem are sorcerer spells, some are summons. And some of them are just debuff to the mage, like getting polymorphed iunto a sheep etc.

The barbarian wild magic is clearly less random.
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Date Posted: Aug 23, 2023 @ 2:20pm
Posts: 9