Aliens vs. Predator

Aliens vs. Predator

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martorienko Feb 21, 2015 @ 8:36pm
Dedicated Server - HOWTO configure a server.
Hi everyone.
I want to set up a dedicated server, and write a simple guide to help who wants to set up a Aliens vs Predator server.

How to set it up?
My server seems fine, but I must commandletting all the parameters one by one.

This is what I've done.

Go to Tools and search for "Aliens vs Predator Dedicated Server".
Start the Download.
When download is completed:
Run the application.
A command line appears on the desktop.

No command line parameters.
Failed to load config 'DEFAULT.CFG'
default config file "default.cfg" not found.
at the command line type:


then type the first command from the list the command "?" lists.

the command is "listcmds"

type "listcmds"

The second command from the list is "AddMap".

type "ListMaps"

This command lists the available maps owned.

Ok then, type "AddMap Furious DM"

That's a DLC.

Command line response is:

Map added to rotation (slot 0)
next map will be Furious (DM)

Type "Host"

Command line returns:

Starting server...
SteamGameServer_Init<> called.


No ban list file at "ban list location"
Steam connected.
Server listening on

Server is up.

The only map now running is Furious - Deathmatch

To add a map to the rotation type:

addmap "map name" DM

slot 1 will be populated with this second map deathmatch mode.

type addmap to add maps ( and gamemodes) to the list of maps that will be rotated.

...and so on

I think it's simple to set up a server...

How to let the server read the configuration file?
how to write the config file?
is it useful to keep server parameters in a configuration file?
I started a server in a couple minutes using manual commands, but I need to know if there's really need for configuration files. If yes, what's a good guideline for a config file formatting?
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Showing 1-6 of 6 comments
Thorp Feb 21, 2015 @ 10:51pm 
To make things easy follow these steps.

1. Go here C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Aliens vs Predator Dedicated Server
2. Create a new text document
3. Copy and paste what I have below the +'s inside the code box
4. File > Save As > File Name: default.cfg > File Type: All Files
4a. Yes you must Save As and name it EXACTLY default.cfg
4b. Yes you must change the File Type to All Files
5. Open port numbers or port Range through your Router. By default routers are located at Username and password is admin.
5a. If you do not know your router's location go to your start menu, Run > cmd > ipconfig/all > Default Gateway =** (If the router is owned by the internet service provider they normally sticker the username and password onto the router/modem itself).
6. From within the Router menu Forward ports for the numbers listed in the config below (27011-27014).
6a. You may adjust the numbers to whatever you wish as long as it starts with 270 and are forwarded in the router.
7. Customize your server config settings; it's pretty self explanatory
8. Write down or memorize server commands so you can admin accordingly C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Aliens vs Predator Dedicated Server\DedicatedServerCmdRef.pdf


// Example default.cfg servername US West California // Server Name rconpassword Password // Set Server Password maxplayers 12 // Set the maximum number of players allowed in the server motd "Hosting this server from HOME computer. Please keep a honorable combat environment."// Display a message to players when they connect to your server // Set your ports, replace xx with any two numbers, ports must be unique for each server you run on a machine. Delete the "270xx" to leave the ports at their default values. authport 27011 gameport 27012 lobbyport 27013 updateport 27014 // Set species ratios: Given in this config, for each 1 Predator there can be 2 Marines, For each 1 Predator there can be 3 aliens and so forth. predatorratio 1 // Any Value 1-4, relative to other species marineratio 1 // Any Value 1-4, relative to other species alienratio 1 // Set auto-balancing and friendly fire. 0 = False, 1 = True speciesbalancing 0 // Enable or Disable auto-balancing for species teambalancing 0 // Enable or Disable auto-team balancing friendlyfire 0 // Enable or Disable Friendly Fire autostartonallready 1 // Auto-Start matches when all players are ready, 0 = False, 1 = True autostarttime 30 // Lobby Auto-Start Timer (In Seconds) // Jungle = map name, DM = game type, tl = time limit, and sl = score limit. addmap Jungle TDM tl=20 sl=100 // MUST be used to create map rotation before using the "host" command addmap Ruins TDM tl=20 sl=100 addmap Temple TDM tl=20 sl=100 addmap Gateway TDM tl=20 sl=100 addmap Refinery TDM tl=20 sl=100 host // Start Hosting the Server, server will not show up in any list without this command! //End configuration
List of non-dlc maps Jungle, Refinery, Ruins, Gateway, Pyramid, and Temple
Last edited by Thorp; Feb 23, 2015 @ 3:10pm
WOLF Feb 22, 2015 @ 2:49am 
Originally posted by confuted:
To make things easy follow these steps.

1. Go here C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Aliens vs Predator Dedicated Server
2. Create a new text document
3. Copy and paste what I have below the +'s inside the code box
4. File > Save As > default.cfg
4a. Yes you must Save As and name it EXACTLY default.cfg
5. Open port numbers or port Range through your Router. By default routers are located at Username and password is admin.
5a. If you do not know your router's location go to your start menu, Run > cmd > ipconfig/all > Default Gateway =** (If the router is owned by the internet service provider they normally sticker the username and password onto the router/modem itself).
6. From within the Router menu Forward ports for the numbers listed in the config below (27011-27014).
6a. You may adjust the numbers to whatever you wish as long as it starts with 270 and are forwarded in the router.
7. Customize your server config settings; it's pretty self explanatory
8. Write down or memorize server commands so you can admin accordingly C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Aliens vs Predator Dedicated Server\DedicatedServerCmdRef.pdf


// Example default.cfg servername US West California // Server Name rconpassword Password // Set Server Password maxplayers 12 // Set the maximum number of players allowed in the server motd "Hosting this server from HOME computer. Please keep a honorable combat environment."// Display a message to players when they connect to your server // Set your ports, replace xx with any two numbers, ports must be unique for each server you run on a machine. Delete the "270xx" to leave the ports at their default values. authport 27011 gameport 27012 lobbyport 27013 updateport 27014 // Set species ratios: Given in this config, for each 1 Predator there can be 2 Marines, For each 1 Predator there can be 3 aliens and so forth. predatorratio 1 // Any Value 1-4, relative to other species marineratio 1 // Any Value 1-4, relative to other species alienratio 1 // Set auto-balancing and friendly fire. 0 = False, 1 = True speciesbalancing 0 // Enable or Disable auto-balancing for species teambalancing 0 // Enable or Disable auto-team balancing friendlyfire 0 // Enable or Disable Friendly Fire autostartonallready 1 // Auto-Start matches when all players are ready, 0 = False, 1 = True autostarttime 30 // Lobby Auto-Start Timer (In Seconds) // Jungle = map name, DM = game type, tl = time limit, and sl = score limit. addmap Jungle TDM tl=20 sl=100 // MUST be used to create map rotation before using the "host" command addmap Ruins TDM tl=20 sl=100 addmap Temple TDM tl=20 sl=100 addmap Gateway TDM tl=20 sl=100 addmap Refinery TDM tl=20 sl=100 host // Start Hosting the Server, server will not show up in any list without this command! //End configuration
List of non-dlc maps Jungle, Refinery, Ruins, Gateway, Pyramid, and Temple

Well, This is a transcript from the forum, which is confusing and incomplete!
Explains that what something is but does not show the exact sequence of commands, not show the correct order
I try on milion ways but this is only way to server work.
default cfg must look exactly at this way: of course you can change the pasword ,name of servers, maps and other value but If you change the order ( the Sequence) server will not be visible in server list.


addmap Temple MSTDM tl=15 sl=500
addmap Pyramid TDM tl=15 sl=500
addmap Refinery MSTDM tl=15 sl=500
addmap Gateway MSTDM tl=15 sl=500
addmap Jungle TDM tl=15 sl=500
addmap Ruins MSTDM tl=15 sl=500
addmap gateway TDM tl=15 sl=500
addmap Jungle MSTDM tl=15 sl=500
addmap Gateway PH tl=15 sl=500
addmap Refinery IN tl=15 sl=500
addmap Temple TDM tl=15 sl=500
addmap Ruins MSTDM tl=15 sl=500
addmap Jungle MSTDM tl=15 sl=500
addmap Refinery IN tl=15 sl=500
addmap Crashsite MSTDM tl=15 sl=500
addmap Outpost MSTDM tl=15 sl=500
addmap Docks TDM tl=15 sl=500
addmap Furious DM tl=15 sl=500
addmap Crashsite TDM tl=15 sl=500

authport 27025
gameport 27026
lobbyport 27027
updateport 27028
rconpassword XXXXXXXX
friendlyfire 0
autostartonallready 1
autostarttime 80
servername XXXXXXXXXX
speciesbalancing 0
maxplayers 10
timelimit 20
teambalancing 0
motd XXXXX

When mapping the ports in router ports must be like this or server will not work
You can change the ports value but if you change 270 server will not work
So ports in router must be:

authport 27025 UDP
gameport 27026 UDP
lobbyport 27027 TCP
updateport 27028 UDP

Last edited by WOLF; Feb 22, 2015 @ 2:57am
Thorp Feb 23, 2015 @ 12:28pm 
Idk what you mean by incomplete or in the wrong order; the server program doesn't care what order the commands are in except the end command. ...if they copy paste my server config and open the designated ports I guarantee it will work; I ran these settings a year ago for about a month

Really the only difference between mine and wolf's is cleanliness
Last edited by Thorp; Feb 23, 2015 @ 12:43pm
martorienko Feb 23, 2015 @ 2:01pm 
Unfortunately it seems my server is unreachable.
As I said, first time I tried to serve AvP - without configuration scripting at all - my server was listed on my multiplayer ui, so I tought to be halfway to fun :D
Server was up for me that time...maybe it was just LAN maybe Friend's lobby don't remember. Server was unwilling to start serving the map, because I was the only player in lobby, so the server was definetely ready for at least a "LAN party".

Yesterday I turned on the server again, tried the various scripts You gave me, but nothing happened. I only kept the commandlets more polite, they were all good indeed.
Unlike the first time though, I didn't even notice my local room.
First night I stared at the command line, so glad to read my nick log in the server as a player waiting for the game to start! :sfsad:
Is it a matter of external IP address like dynamic dns prerequisites? Next time I'll manage to start from scratch, aiming to LAN service. Thanx mates!
Thorp Feb 23, 2015 @ 2:54pm 
I highly suggest for LAN parties to do Player Hosted as it is much eaiser to control. Really the only benefit of a server is the kick/ban function and I suppose the convenience of a computer rotating maps without host input.

Also note you can't start a multiplayer match solo. Deathmatch, Team Death Match and Mixed Species TDM need 2 players. STDM can only start with 3+ players (at least 1 of each species) and Infestation requires at least 4 players.

Secondly I just went through the steps of creating the config file. I realized I failed to mention that when doing the Save As (step 4), the file needs to be named default.cfg AND the file type needs to be set to All Files (the default is TXT file). Upon doing it correctly the folder will display the file as a CFG File instead of a Text Document. If the file you created still shows as a Text Document the server will not find it.
WOLF Feb 23, 2015 @ 2:54pm 
Originally posted by martorienko:
Unfortunately it seems my server is unreachable.
As I said, first time I tried to serve AvP - without configuration scripting at all - my server was listed on my multiplayer ui, so I tought to be halfway to fun :D
Server was up for me that time...maybe it was just LAN maybe Friend's lobby don't remember. Server was unwilling to start serving the map, because I was the only player in lobby, so the server was definetely ready for at least a "LAN party".

Yesterday I turned on the server again, tried the various scripts You gave me, but nothing happened. I only kept the commandlets more polite, they were all good indeed.
Unlike the first time though, I didn't even notice my local room.
First night I stared at the command line, so glad to read my nick log in the server as a player waiting for the game to start! :sfsad:
Is it a matter of external IP address like dynamic dns prerequisites? Next time I'll manage to start from scratch, aiming to LAN service. Thanx mates!

Probably you not make cfg. file corectly
Doesnt matter of dinamis or static IP, I have dimnamic and my server work perfectly
Add me i will send you my cfg ,you onle need to set up your pass and name of server
Just add me will talk in privacy
Last edited by WOLF; Feb 25, 2015 @ 9:37am
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Date Posted: Feb 21, 2015 @ 8:36pm
Posts: 6