Farthest Frontier

Farthest Frontier

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Zantai  [developer] Mar 27, 2024 @ 8:33am
Farthest Frontier v0.9.2 + hotfixes Changelogs

  • Soldiers now correctly aggro retreating raiders of no active threats remain.
  • Fixed an issue where building placement on sloped ground was excessively restrictive.
  • Fixed an issue where raid camp raiders could trigger raid notifications unintentionally. This fix may not be retroactive for raid camp raiders that are already spawned.
  • Fixed an issue where the game could fail to save based on your barracks configuration, ex. if town had more than 20 barracks.
  • Fixed an issue where a Barracks or Cavalry Stable window would instead show information for the last non-military building you selected.
  • Fixed an issue where relocation a Barracks or Cavalry Stable, then saving and loading, could result in a duplicate stuck rally flag.
  • Fixed an issue where Herds could become abandoned when relocating a Barn/Chicken Coop/Stable and saving and loading during that process.
  • Fixed an issue where excess laborers could get assigned to a task.
  • Fixed an issue where villagers will incorrectly grab resources from production buildings when handling storage limits. This previously resulted in, for example, wagons grabbing one item at a time from mines.
  • Fixed an issue where gold reserved by villagers could not be used to recruit soldiers.
  • Fixed an issue where saplings at work camps would get cut down after a reload and yield max wood.
  • Fixed an issue where raid indicators could appear on top of the HUD.
  • Fixed an issue where Rally Points could become unplaceable. Consequently, this fix also addresses rare cases where less animals or raids could spawn than intended.
  • Fixed an issue where Fruit production was counted incorrectly in the annual report.
  • Fixed an issue where villagers could ignore fires or react them with an excessive delay.
  • Fixed an issue where an invading army could demand payment again a year later after being defeated.
  • Fixed an issue where resource tooltips could get stuck on screen for objects in the fog of war (ex. boars)
  • Fixed an issue where Fences would count towards Walls and Cavalry Stables would count as Barracks in the building counter, and vice-versa.
  • Fixed an issue where relocation a building count result in a duplicated building.

  • Items dropped on the ground are now hidden by default. You can toggle their visibility by holding Alt.
  • Game difficulty is now displayed in the top left of the screen for easy reference.
  • General Lighting improvements.
  • Increased Tree regrowth speed.
  • Hay is now prioritized for Barns, Chicken Coops, and Stables regardless of distance.
  • Barracks upgrade to Fort is now available in Tier 3, down from Tier 4.
  • Additional Raider tuning based on player feedback, particularly on Pioneer and Trailblazer.
  • Increased attack range of Archers and Pikemen.
  • Increased speed of Cavalry and Lancers.
  • Increased grow time of Hay.
  • Stables now correctly indicate that births per year drops to 0 when they are at capacity.
  • Updated unhappy villagers and soldier desertion notifications to be more clear (English-only text until the next update's localization pass).


  • Fixed an issue where soldiers would leave their garrison during an attack without being commanded to.
  • Fixed an issue where, under certain circumstances, a dying soldier would turn into a "dead" villager, which could result in idle villager behavior all over town.
  • Fixed an issue with incorrect number of farmers displayed in the Crop Field placement tooltip. It now matches the farmers on the finished field.
  • Fixed an issue with an invalid tag in the military recruitment window.
  • Fixed an issue where missing weapons widgets over towers would disappear when heavy weapons were available in town.
  • Fixed an issue where fruit picked by villagers would not count towards fruit production.
  • Fixed an issue where reloading during a Field Maintenance would cause it to not reduce weeds/rockiness.
  • Fixed an issue where selecting None for relics in the Temple would still put that relic slot on cooldown.
  • Fixed an issue where raid camp raiders ignore wildlife attacking them. This fix is not retroactive for raid camp raiders already spawned, but will be for any raid camp spawns post v0.9.2c.
  • Fixed an issue where the unpaid expenses widget was not appearing over military buildings that has unpaid wages.

  • Raider horsemen have had their health and damage reduced on all difficulties. Invading army horsemen have also been adjusted, but less than their raider cousins. Those appear on Vanquisher difficulty.
  • Reduced the number of raider horsemen that attack on Pioneer and Trailblazer difficulties.
  • Further improved effectiveness of light and heavy infantry and the bonus damage versus cavalry of pikemen.


  • Fixed an issue where the Trading Post would take more gold from town storage than intended (ex. after performing trades).
  • Fixed an issue where villagers stand around idle for an extended period immediately after loading the game.
  • Fixed an issue where production limits on meat could impact work at Barns, Chicken Coops, and Stables.
  • Fixed an issue where recently upgraded Barracks would still have a capacity of 12, rather than 24.

  • Increased effectiveness of Pikemen, particularly versus cavalry and reduced their training cost.
  • Increased armor of Light Infantry.
  • Reduced enemy cavalry armor and health.
  • Fixed an issue where some enemy cavalry were improperly set as soldiers rather than horsemen, causing them to ignore the pikeman damage bonus versus. cavalry.


  • Fixed an issue where a save could fail to load with active battering rams.
  • Fixed an issue where Barracks/Forts disabled prior to v0.9.2 would be permanently stuck in that state.
  • Fixed an issue with recruit window tooltips.

  • Hay now correctly rots.
  • Adjusted herder stocking behavior such that Barns etc. do not end up partially stocked.
  • Increased the threshold at which Archers refill their supply of arrows.
  • Villagers now avoid dropped items that are near threats, ex. raider camps.


[Major New Features]
  • Official Mod support is now available through the Steam Workshop with official tools for uploading your own decorative buildings.
  • You can now request resources from visiting merchants at the Trading Post for a premium rate.
  • Chickens and Goats have been added to the game. You must construct Goat Barns and Chicken Coops, respectively, to purchase them from the Trading Post.
  • New Soldier types are now available for recruitment: Light Infantry, Heavy Infantry, Archers, Pikemen, and Horsemen.
  • Stables have been added to the game. Stables house horses, so that your houses can be defended by horsemen. We are not horsing around.
  • Additional combat controls have been added: control groups (Ctrl-# to bind a selected group of units, press # to select), combat stances, and select all units of type.
  • With the addition of new combat keybinds, some default keybinds have been updated or removed. Keybinds have been reset to accomodate these changes.
  • Soldier management has been overhauled. Soldier are now organized into companies. Soldiers, and in turn their companies, gain veterancy based on combat experience.
  • Raiders have been studying your tactics and have recruited horsemen and catapults to bring down your defenses.

  • Raid warnings have been updated to trigger much sooner, and new indicators have been added to point you to the direction attacks are coming from.
  • Updated how resource reservations are performed to remove possibility of a production building becoming filled up while other villagers are on the way to grab some/all of the items.
  • Relocating a desirability building now updates the desirability overlay to give you a better idea of what impact the building's new position will have on your shelters.
  • Fixed an issue where the Town Center build site could be cleared if it was destroyed.
  • Fixed an issue where worker slots could not be interacted with while a Trading Post is upgrading.
  • Fixed an issue where fruit trees could become deselected for harvest, preventing fruits from being gathered.
  • Fixed an issue where predator attacks would cause notification spam.
  • Fixed an issue where relocating a building would sometimes display the notification that a building requires more workers.
  • Fixed an issue where eggs and milk production was not being recorded in the annual report.
  • Fixed an issue where reloading the game during a raid would get the raiders stuck permanently.
  • Fixed an issue where sound settings could become reset back to max volume.
  • Fixed an issue where herders would stock their barns excessively.

  • Increased population growth at 400+ villagers.
  • Items can now be disposed of from the Resources window, removing them from your settlement.
  • You can now toggle whether the game should automatically slow down to 1x speed when combat begins. These options are available by the game speed controls in the lower left.
  • You can now jump to a building's work area or rally point from a new button on the building window.
  • Camera Positions can now be stored to the 0-9 keys, instead of just 1-3.
  • Shroud of the Unknown Soldier now increases the durability of Coats, Linen Clothes, and Shoes, rather than increasing recovery chance from Festering Wounds.
  • Wagons now assist in storage limit management and resource distribution.
  • Villagers now stop pursuing fleeing raiders much sooner rather than chasing them to the edge of the map.
  • Villagers no longer grab resources out of Markets to fill storage limit quotas at other storage buildings.
  • Wagon drivers now flee from incoming raiders.

  • Fixed an issue where Graveyard construction cost was a flat 5 Stone regardless of the size of the Graveyard. Graveyard construction now correctly starts at 10 Stone and scales up to 100 Stone for a max-sized area.
  • Fixed an issue with Library's desirability applying at 100% effectiveness regardless of distance. They now correctly have a fall-off curve like other desirability buildings.
  • Updated Barn mechanics to better scale with Herders and population. Milk is no longer generated in bulk, but rather throughout the year.
Last edited by Zantai; Apr 24, 2024 @ 5:54pm
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Showing 1-5 of 5 comments
Zantai  [developer] Mar 29, 2024 @ 2:41pm 
We are in the process of releasing hotfix v0.9.2a. You may need to restart Steam for the download to begin.


  • Fixed an issue where a save could fail to load with active battering rams.
  • Fixed an issue where Barracks/Forts disabled prior to v0.9.2 would be permanently stuck in that state.
  • Fixed an issue with recruit window tooltips.

  • Hay now correctly rots.
  • Adjusted herder stocking behavior such that Barns etc. do not end up partially stocked.
  • Increased the threshold at which Archers refill their supply of arrows.
  • Villagers now avoid dropped items that are near threats, ex. raider camps.
Zantai  [developer] Apr 3, 2024 @ 2:11pm 
v0.9.2b is going live now to address your bug reports and some feedback regarding the new raider horsemen!


  • Fixed an issue where the Trading Post would take more gold from town storage than intended (ex. after performing trades).
  • Fixed an issue where villagers stand around idle for an extended period immediately after loading the game.
  • Fixed an issue where production limits on meat could impact work at Barns, Chicken Coops, and Stables.
  • Fixed an issue where recently upgraded Barracks would still have a capacity of 12, rather than 24.

  • Increased effectiveness of Pikemen, particularly versus cavalry and reduced their training cost.
  • Increased armor of Light Infantry.
  • Reduced enemy cavalry armor and health.
  • Fixed an issue where some enemy cavalry were improperly set as soldiers rather than horsemen, causing them to ignore the pikeman damage bonus versus. cavalry.
Zantai  [developer] Apr 8, 2024 @ 2:56pm 
Next hotfix going live now. You may need to restart Steam for the download to start.


  • Fixed an issue where soldiers would leave their garrison during an attack without being commanded to.
  • Fixed an issue where, under certain circumstances, a dying soldier would turn into a "dead" villager, which could result in idle villager behavior all over town.
  • Fixed an issue with incorrect number of farmers displayed in the Crop Field placement tooltip. It now matches the farmers on the finished field.
  • Fixed an issue with an invalid tag in the military recruitment window.
  • Fixed an issue where missing weapons widgets over towers would disappear when heavy weapons were available in town.
  • Fixed an issue where fruit picked by villagers would not count towards fruit production.
  • Fixed an issue where reloading during a Field Maintenance would cause it to not reduce weeds/rockiness.
  • Fixed an issue where selecting None for relics in the Temple would still put that relic slot on cooldown.
  • Fixed an issue where raid camp raiders ignore wildlife attacking them. This fix is not retroactive for raid camp raiders already spawned, but will be for any raid camp spawns post v0.9.2c.
  • Fixed an issue where the unpaid expenses widget was not appearing over military buildings that has unpaid wages.

  • Raider horsemen have had their health and damage reduced on all difficulties. Invading army horsemen have also been adjusted, but less than their raider cousins. Those appear on Vanquisher difficulty.
  • Reduced the number of raider horsemen that attack on Pioneer and Trailblazer difficulties.
  • Further improved effectiveness of light and heavy infantry and the bonus damage versus cavalry of pikemen.
Zantai  [developer] Apr 24, 2024 @ 11:05am 
v0.9.2d is now live, you may need to restart Steam for the download to take effect.


  • Soldiers now correctly aggro retreating raiders of no active threats remain.
  • Fixed an issue where building placement on sloped ground was excessively restrictive.
  • Fixed an issue where raid camp raiders could trigger raid notifications unintentionally. This fix may not be retroactive for raid camp raiders that are already spawned.
  • Fixed an issue where the game could fail to save based on your barracks configuration, ex. if town had more than 20 barracks.
  • Fixed an issue where a Barracks or Cavalry Stable window would instead show information for the last non-military building you selected.
  • Fixed an issue where relocation a Barracks or Cavalry Stable, then saving and loading, could result in a duplicate stuck rally flag.
  • Fixed an issue where Herds could become abandoned when relocating a Barn/Chicken Coop/Stable and saving and loading during that process.
  • Fixed an issue where excess laborers could get assigned to a task.
  • Fixed an issue where villagers will incorrectly grab resources from production buildings when handling storage limits. This previously resulted in, for example, wagons grabbing one item at a time from mines.
  • Fixed an issue where gold reserved by villagers could not be used to recruit soldiers.
  • Fixed an issue where saplings at work camps would get cut down after a reload and yield max wood.
  • Fixed an issue where raid indicators could appear on top of the HUD.
  • Fixed an issue where Rally Points could become unplaceable. Consequently, this fix also addresses rare cases where less animals or raids could spawn than intended.
  • Fixed an issue where Fruit production was counted incorrectly in the annual report.
  • Fixed an issue where villagers could ignore fires or react them with an excessive delay.

  • Items dropped on the ground are now hidden by default. You can toggle their visibility by holding Alt.
  • Game difficulty is now displayed in the top left of the screen for easy reference.
  • General Lighting improvements.
  • Increased Tree regrowth speed.
  • Hay is now prioritized for Barns, Chicken Coops, and Stables regardless of distance.
  • Barracks upgrade to Fort is now available in Tier 3, down from Tier 4.
  • Additional Raider tuning based on player feedback, particularly on Pioneer and Trailblazer.
  • Increased attack range of Archers and Pikemen.
  • Increased speed of Cavalry and Lancers.
Last edited by Zantai; Apr 24, 2024 @ 3:30pm
Zantai  [developer] Apr 24, 2024 @ 5:54pm 
A clerical error in your favor has actually delivered more fixes than foreseen. The changelog has been updated to reflect the full list of fixes included in v0.9.2d.


  • Soldiers now correctly aggro retreating raiders of no active threats remain.
  • Fixed an issue where building placement on sloped ground was excessively restrictive.
  • Fixed an issue where raid camp raiders could trigger raid notifications unintentionally. This fix may not be retroactive for raid camp raiders that are already spawned.
  • Fixed an issue where the game could fail to save based on your barracks configuration, ex. if town had more than 20 barracks.
  • Fixed an issue where a Barracks or Cavalry Stable window would instead show information for the last non-military building you selected.
  • Fixed an issue where relocation a Barracks or Cavalry Stable, then saving and loading, could result in a duplicate stuck rally flag.
  • Fixed an issue where Herds could become abandoned when relocating a Barn/Chicken Coop/Stable and saving and loading during that process.
  • Fixed an issue where excess laborers could get assigned to a task.
  • Fixed an issue where villagers will incorrectly grab resources from production buildings when handling storage limits. This previously resulted in, for example, wagons grabbing one item at a time from mines.
  • Fixed an issue where gold reserved by villagers could not be used to recruit soldiers.
  • Fixed an issue where saplings at work camps would get cut down after a reload and yield max wood.
  • Fixed an issue where raid indicators could appear on top of the HUD.
  • Fixed an issue where Rally Points could become unplaceable. Consequently, this fix also addresses rare cases where less animals or raids could spawn than intended.
  • Fixed an issue where Fruit production was counted incorrectly in the annual report.
  • Fixed an issue where villagers could ignore fires or react them with an excessive delay.
  • Fixed an issue where an invading army could demand payment again a year later after being defeated.
  • Fixed an issue where resource tooltips could get stuck on screen for objects in the fog of war (ex. boars)
  • Fixed an issue where Fences would count towards Walls and Cavalry Stables would count as Barracks in the building counter, and vice-versa.
  • Fixed an issue where relocation a building count result in a duplicated building.

  • Items dropped on the ground are now hidden by default. You can toggle their visibility by holding Alt.
  • Game difficulty is now displayed in the top left of the screen for easy reference.
  • General Lighting improvements.
  • Increased Tree regrowth speed.
  • Hay is now prioritized for Barns, Chicken Coops, and Stables regardless of distance.
  • Barracks upgrade to Fort is now available in Tier 3, down from Tier 4.
  • Additional Raider tuning based on player feedback, particularly on Pioneer and Trailblazer.
  • Increased attack range of Archers and Pikemen.
  • Increased speed of Cavalry and Lancers.
  • Increased grow time of Hay.
  • Stables now correctly indicate that births per year drops to 0 when they are at capacity.
  • Updated unhappy villagers and soldier desertion notifications to be more clear (English-only text until the next update's localization pass).
Last edited by Zantai; Apr 24, 2024 @ 5:54pm
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Date Posted: Mar 27, 2024 @ 8:33am
Posts: 5