Team Fortress 2

Team Fortress 2

The High Octane Jarate Dispenser
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What would happen to a spy if he attempted to backstab?
If a spy attempted to backstab, would he be doused in jarate?
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Probably gasoline, actually. *shudder*
It will kill u + Spy gets in JARATE
-Cool Potato
he would be jarated, 10% more vulnerable to pyros for 10 sec and would be shocked and cant move for 3 sec
and when spy backstabs. you take 80 dmg. and lose the douser.
The spy should be jarated if he tries to backstab
Spy gets minor jarate effect, the dispenser is broken until replaced at your nearest supply cabinet.
This item is a misc...why are you guys suggesting it has stats?
Well i was thinking Valve would make it a secondary weapon, like the Cozy Camper, instead of a misc.
maybe +25% fire vulnerability and jarate + stun for 2.5 sec.
Legutóbb szerkesztette: Horus; 2013. dec. 18., 9:40
There is something in the recent leaked files of TF2 that describes something VERY similar to this item.
there is a 50% chance that he explodes and a 50% chance that he is covered in jarate.

when it explodes, just like the razorback, the wearer has to go to a resupply locker for another
..But sniper will still die in the Prosses but it will help out other snipers and the team
(probaly recomended for Archers)
electricity + gasoline = explosion (i think) so if whatever is stopping the stuff from mixing is penetrated by spys knife a nice fiery boom
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