Legend of Grimrock

Legend of Grimrock

Maak en download nieuwe grotten, kerkers, voorwerpen, monsters en omgevingen
Gebruik de Dungeon Editor om volledig nieuwe avonturen en uitdagingen te maken, opdat andere spelers ze kunnen oplossen. Gooi je grotten en kerkers vol met puzzels, valstrikken, monsters, omgevingen of zelfs compleet nieuwe voorwerpen met zowel nieuwe visuele effecten als audio effecten. Klik hier voor meer informatie.
System, item and class creation
Greetings. I am a person who has made a few of his own tabletop RPG systems. From Beer and Pretzels, to complicated systems bogged down with minutiae. I enjoy this sort of creative process. I enjoyed Grimrock quite alot when it came out, and when I saw the editor was released, became more interested in it. But what I'm really interested in, is creating my own game system for Grimrock, complete with changing the classes, or even changing to a classless system if at all possible.
I know the people at Almost Human are obviously hard at work, but I have limited programming knowledge. Thus, making my own game would be hard for me.
What I ask, is for a way to modify this game's basic mechanics. More extensive modification tools would be quite nice, in my opinion.
Does anyone know if something like this will ever happen? I dearly hope so.
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Sounds like a good idea
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