Portal 2
Community maps. For science.
Welcome to Aperture Laboratories, home of the Perpetual Testing Initiative. Easily create, share and play test chambers authored by and for the Portal 2 community. Do your part! Contribute to Science!
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All Wheatley Tests
合集创建者 justweston_yt
All (current) Wheatley Chambers!
Gel's Tutorials
合集创建者 Molotov
In these maps they teach you how to use the propulsion, repulsion, conversion and reflection gels, the latter not found in the original game.
My maps
合集创建者 Molotov
In this collection there will be all my map that I made 04/21/24 Now I am going to start using the beemod to improve the test chambers, any errors or suggestions will be taken into account
Portal 2 Sunny
合集创建者 Der_Sunny
mal sehen ob das funzt
The ore mine Jesenik
合集创建者 bbrt
Stoles ore mines Jeseníky mountains.
Portal: Alive and Walking
合集创建者 sediment shaped sediment
Portal 1 but shorter with new and improved test chambers!
Mandatory Volunteer Testing Challenge
合集创建者 Remarus
Thompson, are you playing those computer games again on company time? What did I tell you... hey, that looks interesting. Thompson, out of the chair, I'm commandeering this station. Don't try to argue, as long as you work for me, you do what I say. Yes, ye
Portal OLD - Kapitel 2
合集创建者 Timmy Boy
German/Deutsch-------------------------------------------- Das 2. Kapitel enthält Part 11 bis Part 18. ---------------------------------------------------------- GLaDOS ist auferstanden. Du bist erwacht. Und Zack! Hast du den Test fertig gemacht. Alles ist
Prostu's Room's
合集创建者 Hervoo
Prostu's (test) Room's
每页显示数: 9 18 30 
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