Team Fortress 2

Team Fortress 2

Kingdom Combatant
13 opmerkingen
CORONAVIRUS IN MY BLOOD 4 okt 2014 om 2:45 
VALVE PLEASE :balloonicorn:
Eox 13 okt 2013 om 9:28 
I want that thing !

I want it NOW !!!
Cocaine Cowboys 21 sep 2013 om 0:39 
You don't
UNLiMiT3DiNF3N0 20 sep 2013 om 17:13 
how do you get this?
Cocaine Cowboys 18 sep 2013 om 9:52 
lol reminds me of benjamin motherfuking king
ODSP 16 sep 2013 om 18:12 
Great, now I can be Ben King in TF2 with a paintable scarf.
Captain Cupcakes 15 sep 2013 om 17:41 
Awesome, getting that mod asap :D
Tera 15 sep 2013 om 16:37 
C'mon Playa, don't be a hata.
UserWithNoName 15 sep 2013 om 10:37 
Looks nice.
Sporry 14 sep 2013 om 15:59 
Tavish motherfucking degroot
Captain Cupcakes 14 sep 2013 om 15:03 
I just love scarf and sweater miscs. They just feel so right. Also, any chance of a skin release?
Tombstone Jack 14 sep 2013 om 14:38 
elegent yet simple
Maddocktor 14 sep 2013 om 14:03 
This is pretty cool nice work