Portal 2
Chapter 2: Aperture's Inner Workings Part 3 (The tunnels of Aperture)
4 commentaires
Spamfan Gaming  [créateur] 27 oct. 2012 à 9h21 
Thanks, yeah, it was not really supposed to be a maze :P haha. This was sort of a map for tunnel lovers anyways : ) THat is ifne if you don't like it, and yeah, I did not mean for it to be very hard to navigate through though anyways. Thanks though =)
Innocentive 27 oct. 2012 à 4h14 
I'm not a big fan of mazes ... in Portal 2 that is. But I had the feeling that maze wasn't too tough, I made it to the exit quite fast ... but that may just have been fool's luck. Anyhow, I destroyed the CC on my way out...
Spamfan Gaming  [créateur] 12 oct. 2012 à 8h48 
Also please leave comment simply for feedback, thanks!
Spamfan Gaming  [créateur] 12 oct. 2012 à 8h48 
Leave a comment if you brought the compaion cube all of the way to the end or you found it!