Team Fortress 2
Imposter's Ensemble V2[OLD]
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Класс: Шпион
Слот предмета: Головной убор
Размер файла
317.732 KB
5 окт. 2012 г. в 20:13
9 окт. 2012 г. в 22:57
Обновлений: 2 (просмотреть)

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[This item has been remade.]

New Version(Hat):
New Version(Glasses):

"Sometimes courage isn't just about killing the most enemies, completing the most objectives, or even blowing up the most bridges. No, true courage is walking straight up to the enemy, staring him in the face, and then distracting him with casual conversation about your dog, the weather, or how the local soccer team is doing(despite it being war-time). He doesn't care that you have a near endless supply of diversionary tales, he is entranced by your raw charisma. Little does he know, your allies are only ten feet away, clipping barbed wire, hiding bodies, wiring up explosives, and even setting the occasional bear trap.

So ask yourself, Are you this man of courage? Do you find yourself deep behind enemy lines, surrounded by foes, with only quick wit and limitless yarns to spin? Probably not, but you could be. So go beyond the call and pick up this stylish ensemble today!"