Team Fortress 2

Team Fortress 2

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2 iul. 2015 la 18:59
1 aug. 2015 la 16:20
2 notițe privind schimbările ( vizionare )

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Welcome to the multiple payload game mode!

The blue team pushes all the carts in this mode. Red has to stop them.

Once the first two carts are captured, the third cart becomes active and then blue pushes it to their final victory.

(this is the same map
39 comentarii
DM 20 aug. 2018 la 9:08 
Why the fuck do I see that one cake minigame from mario party on the last point? Is that just me?
Biebzoom008 28 oct. 2016 la 4:14 
that is the best payload map i eveer played
Alj 22 iul. 2016 la 0:02 
i like how its more fun and i like you aer some where elas than earth
SiRoN 27 iun. 2016 la 22:11 
Wow two payload!
Have blu move two paylod to win?
Rancho Relaxer 14 mart. 2016 la 3:17 
Best space map released so far, looks even better than pl_asteroid!:balloonicorn:
♥Coobk♥ (they/it/she) 19 febr. 2016 la 5:30 
Kill_the_Bug  [autor] 19 febr. 2016 la 5:29 
Skybox is custom - it's an image from NASA Hubble telescope
♥Coobk♥ (they/it/she) 11 febr. 2016 la 20:49 
i think its the one from the end of portal 2 were you shoot the portalonto the moon
Etasus 29 nov. 2015 la 12:22 
what is your skybox?
Muad'dib 16 nov. 2015 la 9:57 
Hmm i really like the concept and the map but some textures are a bit out of place :steamhappy: