Team Fortress 2

Team Fortress 2

The Mythological Messenger
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Clasă: Scout
Spațiu pentru obiect: Pălărie
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3.572 MB
11 aug. 2013 la 21:22
11 aug. 2013 la 21:26
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Dorești să vezi acest obiect acceptat și sprijinit în mod oficial în Team Fortress 2?

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Prometheus stole fire from the gods.

Well, you just one upped that sucker: you stole a god's HAT.


This is my first workshop upload. It took five programs, four exports, thirteen layers, and a significant quantities of free time to make.

Upvote it if A) you like it, B) you want my eternal gratitude, or C) you don't want to callously grind the hopes and dreams of a young animator/artist/programmer into dust to be scattered in the wind.

UPDATE: I added a more detailed texture, with feathers, a bit of noise along the rim, and a few dings in the cap itself.