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Easy Going
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Easy Going

made by Matta
17 comentários
Fuku Yamama 9 jun. 2018 às 19:01 
I like the fact that to solve this you must determine that there is nothing else you can do, so there must be something lurking in the one place you can't see, and so must make a plummet of faith . Thanks!
Petutski 9 mai. 2015 às 15:45 
Great work, logical, fun, and not too hard. I loved the turret destruction... except one! Thanks!
daloboy 5 dez. 2012 às 17:14 
Had fun! Didn't use the stairs, nor the funnel and brought some friends to the exit!
Please try one of mine and comment. Thanks.
Elda 4 dez. 2012 às 10:55 
Good work! Thanks :)
wattsup 3 dez. 2012 às 19:50 
Great fun - Thank you
papparico 3 dez. 2012 às 18:07 
Nice work my friend. Some clever ideas in there.
Kalanque 3 dez. 2012 às 18:04 
i got stuck in multiple walls
GreatGopher 3 dez. 2012 às 8:44 
The button with the faith plates (activating the stairs) is not necessary - it is very easy to portal up to the platform without them.
I liked the turret kill button though
George67 3 dez. 2012 às 3:18 
Really cool! I especially liked the turrets - very satisfiing ;-)
Matta  [autor] 2 dez. 2012 às 13:54 
I really appreciate all your awesome feedback and love every new comment! [= I already made some other tests, feel free to try them, too [=