Portal 2
42 人が評価
The Tao of Jay Version 0.4
7.767 MB
2012年5月13日 13時56分
2012年5月16日 0時35分
3 項目の変更履歴 ( 表示 )

The Tao of Jay Version 0.4

A work in progress. Version 0.3 Testing out the concept of automated actions.

The portal-able panel is by default on, but you don't have enough height. You have to press the button to remove the laser field of death to drop down far enough to fling yourself up, but pressing the button also starts the automated sequence that alternates between flipping the panel on and off.

When designing mechanisms like this it is good to be able to show the player how it works. Hiding it does not help them solve anything.
9 件のコメント
Juggler 2012年9月26日 23時26分 
Neat, I like the automatic cycle machines. I'd been looking for ways to make those.
kamggg 2012年6月6日 16時46分 
kamggg 2012年6月6日 16時45分 
I liked the map overall... but it was somewhat frustrating to keep getting killed in that first laser field. It's difficult to time it just right.
Jay  [作成者] 2012年5月17日 10時26分 
The second one isn't really a puzzle, it's a demonstration of how to automate a process with items.
RealLifePudding 2012年5月17日 3時28分 
the first puzzle is interesting. the second one not so much
m 2012年5月17日 3時05分 
The first room seemed a bit bright. The lights on the floor look weird when you put orange gel on them.

Overall it looks like a good map with interesting use of scripting methods.
Shadow of Avalar 2012年5月15日 15時23分 
Interesting map, forced me to think in a different way than I was used to. I'm interested in some of the ways you did the automation. I also never used the 'death hole' in the first area. I was able to jump up using blue gel & remove the cube on the platform breaking the automation. All in all, a good job for an early version. Look forward to seeing it finished.
Momo 2012年5月13日 16時28分 
After feeling like I wasn't making much progress while spreading gel(I spread the blue in preparation for the jump very first thing and had to redo it later) I completed the second room with immense satisfaction.
Momo 2012年5月13日 16時28分 
#F4F Review, (Spoilers)
- Lighting is great, everything is well lit.
- The pedestal button triggering the flip panel is in a strange place, I thought it triggered the speed gel and I didn't really understand what the button did until I walked and followed the light up line.
- I never used the flickering death hole in the first room, I dropped through the ceiling and bounced all the way over to the button.
- The flicking floor was too fast for me to risk using it.
- I spent much longer getting the gel set up for the jump than I did doing the second room with the timed flip panel.
- The auto reseting timed panel is much much better than the usual pedestal based timer.
- In the second room I noticed there were extra fizzlers and there are lasers over the pit that I'm not sure were ever activated.
- I really like seeing the mechanisms
- I enjoyed the second part much more than the first room but the first room took longer when I had to figure out what the different buttons did.