Dota 2
28 人が評価
Naga Support
作者: Qwigs
Melee supports are tough, but Naga can be built as a support hero.

One of the best teamfight ultimates in the game.
Long-duration ranged snare that goes through BKB and cannot be purged.
Respectable base stats (High move speed and 6 armor at level 1).
A mid ranged (450) AOE nuke that reduces armor (2/3/4/5 for 8 seconds).
Stack camps, confuse gankers and scout with your illusions.

Mirror image is not very good without big items.
Agility hero means you may have mana issues.

Dota 2内でこのガイドを使用するためにサブスクライブする

6 件のコメント
Strelok 2013年7月20日 10時24分 
Also, consider making another skill build that maxes the nuke if your other support is lacking damage. Both builds are great, it just depends on the situation.
Strelok 2013年7月20日 10時23分 
Naga is played as a support very often. In fact, her ability to carry is not valued as much as her ability to support in the recent metagame. I would, however, change MoC to a situational item and not a rare item. It gives -armor and mana regen for a low cost!
Cotillion_ 2013年7月20日 4時30分 
Naga is a super viable support, since only her first skill scales with items, the rest can be spammed with only one or two core items (arcanes, drums).

Also, I'd like to see you add Medalion to Situational rather than Rare, since it's reaaaaaaaaaaaaaally good.
C.LIONS :: retrix 2013年7月20日 2時48分 
Apparently she is a great support. That makes her a versatile hero and one can trick enemies during the draft.
Zamaruki 2013年7月20日 1時22分 
Sorry to burst your bubble but Naga IS NOT a support. She requires farm to be effective. Your strats basically result in a 4v5.
Compare to Opti-Free Replenish 2013年7月20日 1時03分 
Use this guide if you want to lose.