This War of Mine

This War of Mine

392 人が評価
More Meat & Vegetables
Content: Mod
1.767 KB
2017年11月24日 0時32分
1 項目の変更履歴 ( 表示 )

More Meat & Vegetables

Mr Eko 作成の 1 件のコレクション
This War of Mine Mods
18 アイテム
* Garden will now provide 5 Vegetables in 24 hours.

* Trap will now provide 5 Raw Food in 24 hours.

Times to obtain are no longer random.

* Suggest starting a new game with this mod active. Also untested with DLC as I don't own the DLC.

*** If mod doesn't work after subscribing to it and starting the game, just restart the game, ensure it is still loaded and it should then work. Mods sometimes don't activate right away even though they say it's loaded. Sometimes require a restart of the game ***
56 件のコメント
Mr Eko  [作成者] 3月9日 6時49分 
I don't remember unfortunately. It's been so long since i've played or modded this game.
ジャッキー・ザ・トキ 3月9日 3時51分 
Can you please tell me how to change output for resources ?
Mr Eko  [作成者] 2月3日 20時46分 
I didn't realise it's been that long :)
Timmeh 2月3日 13時29分 
crazy you replied 5 years later:) thanks for the mod nether the less:)
Mr Eko  [作成者] 2023年9月27日 5時24分 
I wouldn't even remember how :) I haven't touched this game in so long.
BiochemEdward 2023年9月26日 16時01分 
Can you please update? This is my favourite mod
你这么叼怎么不上天 2023年6月10日 8時37分 
* 花园现在可以在24小时内提供5种蔬菜。

* 陷阱现在可以在24小时内提供5个原始食物。


* 建议在激活此MOD的情况下开始一个新游戏。由于我不拥有DLC,所以也没有用DLC进行测试。

***如果在订阅了MOD并开始游戏后,MOD不工作,只需重新启动游戏,确保它仍在加载,然后它应该工作。Mods有时不会立即激活,即使他们说它已经加载。有时需要重新启动游戏 ***
nova_25 2022年4月12日 19時22分 
What do you mean by ''Times to obtain are no longer random'' ? Looking through Storyteller, I can see that, initially, gardens yielded food every 72h and traps every 4h... So, where's the ''random'' part ?
妖僧 2021年12月28日 4時59分 
true20six 2021年7月3日 14時06分 
En conflicto con otros mod, me tengo que desuscribir :steamsad: