ARK: Survival Evolved

ARK: Survival Evolved

26 人が評価
No Boss Grind V1.5 [no longer being updated]
10.100 MB
2017年8月14日 14時24分
2017年9月23日 17時36分
5 項目の変更履歴 ( 表示 )

No Boss Grind V1.5 [no longer being updated]

This mod offers a way to fight bosses without hours and hours of grinding and running around for seemingly pointless items by adding a way to craft all of the items you need in minutes! So craft the wonderful boss bench today and see where it takes you.

To craft the boss bench: 1 Fabricator, 50 electronics, 50 polymer, and 100 metal ingots.

To craft the Broodmother Packet and Ragnarok boss packet: 70 Metal Ingots, 50 Polymer, and 70 electronics.

To craft the other boss packets: 70 Metal Ingots, 50 Polymer, 70 electronics, and 1 Element.

And only leave a like if you found this useful and bug-free, if you found a bug, tell me about it. ill fix it as soon as possible

If you have any maps that I should make this work on that isn't currently included, tell me about it ill add it gladly

Mod id=1110821882
人気スレッド 全て表示 (1)
2017年11月7日 18時39分
Servers running this mod
47 件のコメント
NtotheO  [作成者] 2023年1月2日 18時29分 
@MasterObelawe probs not
Laffyistired 2018年7月6日 3時48分 
are you going to make new one
Vophiel 2018年1月5日 6時15分 
the ragnarok portal one is only giving us 4 megalinia toxin, but we need 30
IdinalShadow243 2017年12月22日 11時50分 
i figured out why it was bugy it wasnts the mod is was the world when big ark updates come my worlds crash until time goes by then they work again
NtotheO  [作成者] 2017年12月22日 10時48分 
read the revoius messages and the title.
IdinalShadow243 2017年12月21日 21時13分 
NtotheO  [作成者] 2017年12月21日 20時55分 
sorry bro i can no longer do anything
IdinalShadow243 2017年12月21日 16時33分 
it makes my game crash :(
NtotheO  [作成者] 2017年12月15日 16時41分 
but now i know so when i get back into ark backups are happening every version.
NtotheO  [作成者] 2017年12月15日 16時41分 
yah i wasnt smart enough to keep backups.