The Duel

このムービーは気に入りましたか? (カテゴリー: Action, Drama)

"My saxxy2012 entry, hope you like it."
20 件のコメント
RaxxMaxx 2012年11月23日 8時02分 
I love the Good, Bad n Ugly theme. Especially the eyes back and forth.
[ZS] Salade au Thon 2012年11月20日 15時03分 
I like it
Bebopcola2021 2012年11月19日 20時42分 
Sorry man, got to downvote because of the copyright infringment :(
☆King Rocket☆ 2012年11月19日 18時57分 
Lukewarm Ziti 2012年11月19日 18時14分 
Frankly I'm just glad to see a non-replay entry
The Great Squark 2012年11月19日 18時08分 
I feel like you ought to have gone the comedy route and had them both get killed in an anticlimactic faction after all that build-up, but that's just me.
2Dfruity 2012年11月19日 13時04分 
Understandable. At least you still get the experience and critiques. That and I got a good laugh out of it, so totally worth it. :)
Pyszninek  [作成者] 2012年11月19日 12時55分 
Yeah, I know the rules ,but there are many other BETTER videos ,so I don't feel like contacting Ennio since I would have to talk with some music companies or something. I've done this video for fun ,not to win.
2Dfruity 2012年11月19日 11時42分 
You better call up Ennio Morricone and ask permission for his song. Still a great video though!
[.59] Faust 'Y2K' 2012年11月19日 11時09分 
Why heavy need a pistol to shot? With his bare hands he make "Pow" and sniper is DED.