Team Fortress 2

Team Fortress 2

The Officer's Oozutu
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Classe: Soldato
Slot oggetto: Arma
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921.139 KB
17 giu 2012, ore 23:13
15 lug 2012, ore 17:15
5 note di rilascio ( visualizza )

Ti piacerebbe vedere questo oggetto accettato ufficialmente e supportato su Team Fortress 2?

No, grazie /
Non fa per me
di nuovo più tardi
In 1 collezione di squid.exe
The Honorable Artilleryman Pack!
2 elementi
UPDATE 7/14: Itemtest Compliance

"Why bring a cannon?

Soldier cares not for your wit.

Now he strikes with rage."

I bet you're too exited to even read any of this:

2 LODs! Fits the Soldier's existing animations! Maybe does more damage in exchange for a slower firing rate! (Just a suggestion!)

Seriously, PLEASE follow my Workshop page and tell your friends; there's even more stuff on the way!