Rising Storm/Red Orchestra 2 Multiplayer

Rising Storm/Red Orchestra 2 Multiplayer

700 voti
Streets of Stalingrad
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111.663 MB
5 ott 2013, ore 4:15
20 giu 2014, ore 15:50
9 note di rilascio ( visualizza )

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Streets of Stalingrad

64 player - city map - combined arms
204 commenti
TheOnlyRyan 17 feb, ore 17:09 
semen.sofronov2k17x 13 giu 2023, ore 3:03 
всем привет
ZSchanestruction 24 apr 2023, ore 11:36 
Nicely detailed map, great atmosphere but crashes when switching sides or quitting the map. Also major lag whenever Axis conquers a zone. Therefore 3/10. High End PC here so the problem is within the piss poor optimization of the map or something like that.
KoneV 7 mar 2023, ore 5:11 
TimberWolf024 22 dic 2021, ore 12:20 
I have RO1, it's actually not that laggy
The Pizza is Aggressive 11 nov 2021, ore 4:09 
@Vatlandsguten Darkest Hour is good but RO1 it's way too fucking laggy, I literally have to lead my shots at point blank range so most of the time I can't hit shit because my bullets seem to travel at 40km/h so I only have fun playing RO2
MoJean 30 ott 2020, ore 6:54 
does this work with bots?
Gandalf343 21 ott 2018, ore 2:05 
Endyas 1 set 2018, ore 2:07 
Hey, I'd like to talk to you about hosting this map and a few issues we have been having. I've send you a friend request. Please PM me when you are available.
粗心超人 18 ago 2018, ore 18:55 
thanks a lot:steamhappy: