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183 voti
Test #102934821
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25 apr 2013, ore 1:18
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Test #102934821

It's my test #2 NOT #102934821
5 commenti
Wolf bytes 6 mag 2013, ore 16:18 
Nice map, though since the finish has viewable portal-able surfaces i could simply skip the fling with the repulsion gel. maybe use flip panels?
1980 30 apr 2013, ore 18:37 
Enjoyable map. That's good :D
Alros Faevar 30 apr 2013, ore 9:35 
I liked it, but as other said, some things need to be tweaked a bit. In my first try I didn't touch the blue gel.
toncica 30 apr 2013, ore 4:43 
I've recorded a session of playing through some of the maps from the workshop front page. Yours was among them (skip to 57:45): http://youtu.be/owzs_zRadsE
󰀉tempeh󰀉 29 apr 2013, ore 16:57 
To elaborate, I didn't use any gel in the second room, nor did I use that angled panel.